About This Book
Version: 1.2.2
Version Date: 2022-05-24
This is an intermediate to advanced book, focusing narrowly on how to use the Combine framework. The writing and examples expect that you have a solid understanding of Swift including reference and value types, protocols, and familiarity with using common elements from the Foundation framework.
If you are starting with Swift, Apple provides a number of resources to learn it. There are truly amazing tutorials and introductions available as books from a number of authors, including A Swift Kickstart by Daniel Steinberg and Hacking with Swift by Paul Hudson.
This book provides a very abbreviated introduction to the concept of functional reactive programming, which is what Combine is meant to provide.
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The book is available online at no cost.
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Author Bio
Joe Heck has broad software engineering development and management experience across startups and large companies. He works across all the layers of solutions, from architecture, development, validation, deployment, and operations.
Joe has developed projects ranging from mobile and desktop application development to cloud-based distributed systems. He has established teams, development processes, CI and CD pipelines, and developed validation and operational automation. Joe also builds and mentors people to learn, build, validate, deploy and run software services and infrastructure.
Joe works extensively with and in open source, contributing and collaborating with a wide variety of open source projects. He writes online across a variety of topics at https://rhonabwy.com/.
Where to get this book
The online version of this book is available online as HTML, provided at no cost.
DRM-free PDF or ePub versions are available for purchase at http://gumroad.com/l/usingcombine.
Updates of the content will be made to the online version as development continues. Larger updates and announcements will also be provided through the author’s profile at Gumroad.
The content for this book, including sample code and tests, are sourced from the GitHub repository: https://github.com/heckj/swiftui-notes.
Download the project
The contents of this book, as well as example code and unit tests referenced from the book, are linked in an Xcode project (SwiftUI-Notes.xcodeproj
The Xcode project includes fully operational sample code that shows examples of Combine integrating with UIKit and SwiftUI.
The project also includes extensive unit tests exercising the framework to illustrate the behavior of framework components.
The project associated with this book requires Xcode 11 and MacOS 10.14 or later.

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Introduction to Combine
In Apple’s words, Combine is:
a declarative Swift API for processing values over time.
Combine is Apple’s take on a functional reactive programming library, akin to RxSwift. RxSwift itself is a port of ReactiveX. Combine uses many of the same functional reactive concepts that can be found in other languages and libraries, applying the staticly typed nature of Swift to their solution.
If you are already familiar with RxSwift there is a good collected cheat-sheet for how to map concepts and APIs from RxSwift to Combine. |
Functional reactive programming
Functional reactive programming, also known as data-flow programming, builds on the concepts of functional programming.
Where functional programming applies to lists of elements, functional reactive programming is applied to streams of elements.
The kinds of functions in functional programming, such as map
, filter
, and reduce
have analogues that can be applied to streams.
In addition to functional programming primitives, functional reactive programming includes functions to split and merge streams.
Like functional programming, you may create operations to transform the data flowing through the stream.
There are many parts of the systems we program that can be viewed as asynchronous streams of information - events, objects, or pieces of data. The observer pattern watches a single object, providing notifications of changes and updates. If you view these notifications over time, they make up a stream of objects. Functional reactive programming, Combine in this case, allows you to create code that describes what happens when getting data in a stream.
You may want to create logic to watch more than one element that is changing. You may also want to include logic that does additional asynchronous operations, some of which may fail. You may want to change the content of the streams based on timing, or change the timing of the content. Handling the flow of these event streams, the timing, errors when they happen, and coordinating how a system responds to all those events is at the heart of functional reactive programming.
A solution based on functional reactive programming is particularly effective when programming user interfaces. Or more generally for creating pipelines that process data from external sources or rely on asynchronous APIs.
Combine specifics
Applying these concepts to a strongly typed language like Swift is part of what Apple has created in Combine. Combine extends functional reactive programming by embedding the concept of back-pressure. Back-pressure is the idea that the subscriber should control how much information it gets at once and needs to process. This leads to efficient operation with the added notion that the volume of data processed through a stream is controllable as well as cancellable.
Combine elements are set up to be composed, including affordances to integrate existing code to incrementally support adoption.
Combine is leveraged by some of Apple’s other frameworks. SwiftUI is the obvious example that has the most attention, with both subscriber and publisher elements. RealityKit also has publishers that you can use to react to events. And Foundation has a number of Combine specific additions including NotificationCenter, URLSession, and Timer as publishers.
Any asynchronous API can be leveraged with Combine. For example, you could use some of the APIs in the Vision framework, composing data flowing to it, and from it, by leveraging Combine.
When to use Combine
Combine fits most naturally when you want to set up something that reacts to a variety of inputs. User interfaces fit very naturally into this pattern.
The classic examples using functional reactive programming in user interfaces frequently show form validation, where user events such as changing text fields, taps, or mouse-clicks on UI elements make up the data being streamed. Combine takes this further, enabling watching of properties, binding to objects, sending and receiving higher level events from UI controls, and supporting integration with almost all of Apple’s existing API ecosystem.
Some things you can do with Combine include:
You can set up pipelines to enable a button for submission only when values entered into the fields are valid.
A pipeline can also do asynchronous actions (such as checking with a network service) and using the values returned to choose how and what to update within a view.
Pipelines can also be used to react to a user typing dynamically into a text field and updating the user interface view based on what they’re typing.
Combine is not limited to user interfaces. Any sequence of asynchronous operations can be effective as a pipeline, especially when the results of each step flow to the next step. An example of such might be a series of network service requests, followed by decoding the results.
Combine can also be used to define how to handle errors from asynchronous operations. Combine supports doing this by setting up pipelines and merging them together. One of Apple’s examples with Combine include a pipeline to fall back to getting a lower-resolution image from a network service when the local network is constrained.
Many of the pipelines you create with Combine will only be a few operations. Even with just a few operations, Combine can still make it much easier to view and understand what’s happening when you compose a pipeline. Combine pipelines are a declarative way to define what processing should happen to a stream of values over time.
Apple’s Combine Documentation
The online documentation for Combine can be found at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/combine. Apple’s developer documentation is hosted at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/.
WWDC 2019 content
Apple provides video, slides, and some sample code in sessions at its developer conferences. Details on Combine are primarily from WWDC 2019.
Combine has evolved since its initial release at WWDC 2019. Some of the content in these presentations are now slightly dated or changed from what currently exists. The majority of this content is still immensely valuable in getting an introduction or feel for what Combine is and can do. |
A number of these introduce and go into some depth on Combine:
A number of additional WWDC19 sessions mention Combine:
Additional Online Combine Resources
In addition to Apple’s documentation, there are a number of other online resources where you can find questions, answers, discussion, and descriptions of how Combine operates.
The Swift Forums (hosted from the swift open source project) has a combine tag with a number of interesting threads. While the Combine framework is not open source, some of its implementation and specifics are discussed in these forums.
Stackoverflow also has a sizable (and growing) collection of Combine related Q&A.
Core Concepts
There are only a few core concepts that you need to know to use Combine effectively, but they are very important to understand. Each of these concepts is mirrored in the framework with a generic protocol, formalizing the concepts into expected functions.
These core concepts are:
Publisher and Subscriber
Two key concepts, publisher and subscriber, are described in Swift as protocols.
When you are talking about programming (and especially with Swift and Combine), quite a lot is described by the types. When you say a function or method returns a value, that value is generally described as being "one of this type".
Combine is all about defining the process of what you do with many possible values over time. Combine also goes farther than defining the result, it also defines how it can fail. It not only talks about the types that can be returned, but the failures that might happen as well.
The first core concept to introduce in this respect is the publisher. A publisher provides data when available and upon request. A publisher that has not had any subscription requests will not provide any data. When you are describing a Combine publisher, you describe it with two associated types: one for Output and one for Failure.
These are often written using the generics syntax which uses the <
and >
symbol around text describing the types.
This represents that we are talking about a generic instance of this type of value.
For example, if a publisher returned an instance of String
, and could return a failure in the form of an instance of URLError
, then the publisher might be described with the string <String, URLError>
The corresponding concept that matches with a publisher is a subscriber, and is the second core concept to introduce.
A subscriber is responsible for requesting data and accepting the data (and possible failures) provided by a publisher. A subscriber is described with two associated types, one for Input and one for Failure. The subscriber initiates the request for data, and controls the amount of data it receives. It can be thought of as "driving the action" within Combine, as without a subscriber, the other components stay idle.
Publishers and subscribers are meant to be connected, and make up the core of Combine. When you connect a subscriber to a publisher, both types must match: Output to Input, and Failure to Failure. One way to visualize this is as a series of operations on two types in parallel, where both types need to match in order to plug the components together.
The third core concept is an operator - an object that acts both like a subscriber and a publisher. Operators are classes that adopt both the Subscriber protocol and Publisher protocol. They support subscribing to a publisher, and sending results to any subscribers.
You can create chains of these together, for processing, reacting, and transforming the data provided by a publisher, and requested by the subscriber.
I’m calling these composed sequences pipelines.
Operators can be used to transform either values or types - both the Output and Failure type. Operators may also split or duplicate streams, or merge streams together. Operators must always be aligned by the combination of Output/Failure types. The compiler will enforce the matching types, so getting it wrong will result in a compiler error (and, if you are lucky, a useful fixit snippet suggesting a solution).
A simple Combine pipeline written in swift might look like:
let _ = Just(5) (1)
.map { value -> String in (2)
// do something with the incoming value here
// and return a string
return "a string"
.sink { receivedValue in (3)
// sink is the subscriber and terminates the pipeline
print("The end result was \(receivedValue)")
1 | The pipeline starts with the publisher Just , which responds with the value that its defined with (in this case, the Integer 5 ). The output type is <Integer> , and the failure type is <Never> . |
2 | The pipeline then has a map operator, which is transforming the value and its type.
In this example it is ignoring the published input and returning a string.
This is also transforming the output type to <String> , and leaving the failure type still set as <Never> . |
3 | The pipeline then ends with a sink subscriber. |
When you are thinking about a pipeline you can think of it as a sequence of operations linked by both output and failure types. This pattern will come in handy when you start constructing your own pipelines. When creating pipelines, you are often selecting operators to help you transform the data, types, or both to achieve your end goal. That end goal might be enabling or disabling a user interface element, or it might be retrieving some piece of data to be displayed. Many Combine operators are specifically created to help with these transformations.
There are a number of operators that have a similar operator prefixed with try
, which indicates they return an <Error>
failure type.
An example of this is map and tryMap.
The map
operator allows for any combination of Output and Failure type and passes them through.
accepts any Input, Failure types, and allows any Output type, but will always output an <Error>
failure type.
Operators like map
allow you to define the output type being returned by inferring the output type based on what you return in a closure provided to the operator.
In the example above, the map
operator is returning a String
output type since that it what the closure returns.
To illustrate the example of changing types more concretely, we expand upon the logic to use the values being passed. This example still starts with a publisher providing the types <Int, Never>
and end with a subscription taking the types <String, Never>
let _ = Just(5) (1)
.map { value -> String in (2)
switch value {
case _ where value < 1:
return "none"
case _ where value == 1:
return "one"
case _ where value == 2:
return "couple"
case _ where value == 3:
return "few"
case _ where value > 8:
return "many"
return "some"
.sink { receivedValue in (3)
print("The end result was \(receivedValue)")
1 | Just is a publisher that creates an <Int, Never> type combination, provides a single value and then completes. |
2 | the closure provided to the .map() function takes in an <Int> and transforms it into a <String> . Since the failure type of <Never> is not changed, it is passed through. |
3 | sink , the subscriber, receives the <String, Never> combination. |
When you are creating pipelines in Xcode and don’t match the types, the error message from Xcode may include a helpful fixit.
In some cases, such as the example above, the compiler is unable to infer the return types of closure provided to |
You can view Combine publishers, operators, and subscribers as having two parallel types that both need to be aligned - one for the functional case and one for the error case. Designing your pipeline is frequently choosing how to convert one or both of those types and the associated data with it.
Describing pipelines with marble diagrams
A functional reactive pipeline can be tricky to understand. A publisher is generating and sending data, operators are reacting to that data and potentially changing it, and subscribers requesting and accepting it. That in itself would be complicated, but some operators in Combine also may change the timing when events happen - introducing delays, collapsing multiple values into one, and so forth. Because these can be complex to understand, the functional reactive programming community illustrates these changes with a visual description called a marble diagram.
As you explore the concepts behind Combine, you may find yourself looking at other functional reactive programming systems, such as RxSwift or ReactiveExtensions. The documentation associated with these systems often use marble diagrams.
Marble diagrams focus on describing how a specific pipeline changes the stream of data. It shows data changing over time, as well as the timing of those changes.
How to read a marble diagram:
The diagram centers around whatever element is being described, an operator in this case. The name of the operator is often on the central block.
The lines above and below represent data moving through time. The left is earlier and the right is later. The symbols on the line represent discrete bits of data.
It is often assumed that data is flowing downward. With this pattern, the top line is indicating the inputs to the operator and the bottom line represents the outputs.
In some diagrams, the symbols on the top line may differ from the symbols on the bottom line. When they are different, the diagram is typically implying that the type of the output is different from the type of the input.
In other places, you may also see a vertical bar or an
on the timeline, or ending the timeline. That is used to indicate the end of a stream. A bar at the end of a line implies the stream has terminated normally. AnX
indicates that an error or exception was thrown.
These diagrams intentionally ignore the setup (or teardown) of a pipeline, preferring to focus on one element to describe how that element works.
Marble diagrams for Combine
This book uses an expansion of the basic marble diagram, modified slightly to highlight some of the specifics of Combine. The most notable difference are two lines for input and output. Since Combine explicitly types both the input and the failure, these are represented separately and the types described in the diagram.
If a publisher is being described, the two lines are below the element, following the pattern of "data flows down". An operator, which acts as both a publisher and subscriber, would have two sets - one above and one below. A subscriber has the lines above it.
To illustrate how these diagrams relate to code, lets look at a simple example. In this case, we will focus on the map operator and how it can be described with this diagram.
let _ = Just(5)
.map { value -> String in (1)
switch value {
case _ where value < 1:
return "none"
case _ where value == 1:
return "one"
case _ where value == 2:
return "couple"
case _ where value == 3:
return "few"
case _ where value > 8:
return "many"
return "some"
.sink { receivedValue in
print("The end result was \(receivedValue)")
1 | The closure provided to the .map() function takes in an <Int> and transforms it into a <String> .
Since the failure type of <Never> is not changed, it is passed through. |
The following diagram represents this code snippet. This diagram goes further than others in this book; it includes the closure from the sample code in the diagram to show how it relates.
Many combine operators are configured with code provided by you, written in a closure. Most diagrams will not attempt to include it in the diagram. It is implied that any code you provide through a closure in Combine will be used within the box rather than explicitly detailed.
The input type for this map operator is <Int>
, which is described with generic syntax on the top line.
The failure type that is being passed to this operator is <Never>
, described in the same syntax just below the Input type.
The map operator doesn’t change or interact with the failure type, only passing it along. To represent that, the failure types - both input (above) and output (below) - have been lightened.
A single input value provided (5
) is represented on the top line.
The location on the line isn’t meaningful in this case, only representing that it is a single value.
If multiple values were on the line, the ones on the left would be presented to the map operator before any on the right.
When it arrives, the value 5
is passed to the closure as the variable value
The return type of the closure (<String>
in this case), defines the output type for the map operator when the code within the closure completes and returns its value.
In this case, the string some
is returned for the input value 5
The string some
is represented on the output line directly below its input value, implying there was no explicit delay.
Most diagrams in this book won’t be as complex or detailed as this example. Most of these diagrams will focus on describing the operator. This one is more complex to illustrate how the diagrams can be interpreted and how they relate to your code. |
Back pressure
Combine is designed such that the subscriber controls the flow of data, and because of that it also controls what and when processing happens in the pipeline. This is a feature of Combine called back-pressure.
This means that the subscriber drives the processing within a pipeline by providing information about how much information it wants or can accept. When a subscriber is connected to a publisher, it requests data based on a specific Demand.
The demand request is propagated up through the composed pipeline. Each operator in turn accepts the request for data and in turn requests information from the publishers to which it is connected.
In the first release of the Combine framework - in iOS 13 prior to iOS 13.3 and macOS prior to 10.15.2 - when the subscriber requested data with a Demand, that call itself was asynchronous. Because this process acted as the driver which triggered attached operators and ultimately the source publisher, it meant that there were scenarios where data might appear to be lost. Due to this, in iOS 13.3 and later Combine releases, the process of requesting demand has been updated to a synchronous/blocking call. In practice, this means that you can be a bit more certain of having any pipelines created and fully engaged prior to a publisher receiving the request to send any data. There is an extended thread on the Swift forums about this topic, if you are interested in reading the history. |
With the subscriber driving this process, it allows Combine to support cancellation.
Subscribers all conform to the Cancellable protocol.
This means they all have a function cancel()
that can be invoked to terminate a pipeline and stop all related processing.
When a pipeline has been cancelled, the pipeline is not expected to be restarted. Rather than restarting a cancelled pipeline, the developer is expected to create a new pipeline. |
Lifecycle of Publishers and Subscribers
The end to end lifecycle is enabled by subscribers and publishers communicating in a well defined sequence:
1 | When the subscriber is attached to a publisher, it starts with a call to .subscribe(_: Subscriber) . |
2 | The publisher in turn acknowledges the subscription calling receive(subscription: Subscription) . |
3 | After the subscription has been acknowledged, the subscriber requests N values with request(_: Demand) . |
4 | The publisher may then (as it has values) send N (or fewer) values using receive(_: Input) .
A publisher should never send more than the demand requested. |
5 | Any time after the subscription has been acknowledged, the subscriber may send a cancellation with .cancel() |
6 | A publisher may optionally send completion: receive(completion:) .
A completion can be either a normal termination, or may be a .failure completion, optionally propagating an error type.
A pipeline that has been cancelled will not send any completions. |
Included in the above diagram is a stacked up set of the example marble diagrams. This is to highlight where Combine marble diagrams focus in the overall lifecycle of a pipeline. Generally the diagrams infer that all of the setup has been done and data requested. The heart of a combine marble diagram is the series of events between when data was requested and any completions or cancellations are triggered.
The publisher is the provider of data. The publisher protocol has a strict contract returning values when asked from subscribers, and possibly terminating with an explicit completion enumeration.
Just and Future are common sources to start your own publisher from a value or asynchronous function.
Many publishers will immediately provide data when requested by a subscriber.
In some cases, a publisher may have a separate mechanism to enable it to return data after subscription.
This is codified by the protocol ConnectablePublisher.
A publisher conforming to ConnectablePublisher
will have an additional mechanism to start the flow of data after a subscriber has provided a request.
This could be a separate .connect()
call on the publisher itself.
The other option is .autoconnect()
, which will start the flow of data as soon as a subscriber requests it.
Combine provides a number of additional convenience publishers:
A number of Apple API outside of Combine provide publishers as well.
SwiftUI uses the
property wrappers, provided by Combine, to implicitly create a publisher and support its declarative view mechanisms. -
Operators are a convenient name for a number of pre-built functions that are included under Publisher in Apple’s reference documentation. Operators are meant to be composed into pipelines. Many will accept one or more closures from the developer to define the business logic while maintaining the adherence to the publisher/subscriber lifecycle.
Some operators support bringing together outputs from different pipelines, changing the timing of data, or filtering the data provided. Operators may also have constraints on the types they will operate on. Operators can also be used to define error handling and retry logic, buffering and prefetch, and supporting debugging.
Mapping elements |
Filtering elements |
Reducing elements |
Mathematic operations on elements |
Applying matching criteria to elements |
Applying sequence operations to elements |
Combining elements from multiple publishers |
Handling errors |
Adapting publisher types |
Controlling timing |
Encoding and decoding |
Working with multiple subscribers |
Debugging |
Subjects are a special case of publisher that also adhere to the Subject
This protocol requires subjects to have a .send(_:)
method to allow the developer to send specific values to a subscriber (or pipeline).
Subjects can be used to "inject" values into a stream, by calling the subject’s .send(_:)
This is useful for integrating existing imperative code with Combine.
A subject can also broadcast values to multiple subscribers.
If multiple subscribers are connected to a subject, it will fan out values to the multiple subscribers when send(_:)
is invoked.
A subject is also frequently used to connect or cascade multiple pipelines together, especially to fan out to multiple pipelines.
A subject does not blindly pass through the demand from its subscribers.
Instead, it provides an aggregation point for demand.
A subject will not signal for demand to its connected publishers until it has received at least one subscriber itself.
When it receives any demand, it then signals for unlimited
demand to connected publishers.
With the subject supporting multiple subscribers, any subscribers that have not requested data with a demand are not provided the data until they do.
There are two types of built-in subjects with Combine: CurrentValueSubject and PassthroughSubject.
They act similarly, the difference being CurrentValueSubject remembers and requires an initial state, where PassthroughSubject does not.
Both will provide updated values to any subscribers when .send()
is invoked.
Both CurrentValueSubject
and PassthroughSubject
are also useful for creating publishers for objects conforming to ObservableObject
This protocol is supported by a number of declarative components within SwiftUI.
While Subscriber
is the protocol used to receive data throughout a pipeline, the subscriber typically refers to the end of a pipeline.
There are two subscribers built-in to Combine: Assign and Sink. There is a subscriber built in to SwiftUI: onReceive.
Subscribers can support cancellation, which terminates a subscription and shuts down all the stream processing prior to any Completion sent by the publisher.
Both Assign
and Sink
conform to the Cancellable protocol.
When you are storing a reference to your own subscriber in order to clean up later, you generally want a reference to cancel the subscription.
AnyCancellable provides a type-erased reference that converts any subscriber to the type AnyCancellable, allowing the use of .cancel()
on that reference, but not access to the subscription itself (which could, for instance, request more data).
It is important to store a reference to the subscriber, as when the reference is deallocated it will implicitly cancel its operation.
applies values passed down from the publisher to an object defined by a keypath.
The keypath is set when the pipeline is created.
An example of this in Swift might look like:
.assign(to: \.isEnabled, on: signupButton)
accepts a closure that receives any resulting values from the publisher.
This allows the developer to terminate a pipeline with their own code.
This subscriber is also extremely helpful when writing unit tests to validate either publishers or pipelines.
An example of this in Swift might look like:
.sink { receivedValue in
print("The end result was \(String(describing: receivedValue))")
Other subscribers are part of other Apple frameworks.
For example, nearly every control in SwiftUI can act as a subscriber.
The View protocol in SwiftUI defines an .onReceive(publisher)
function to use views as a subscriber.
The onReceive
function takes a closure akin to sink
that can manipulate @State
or @Bindings
within SwiftUI.
An example of that in SwiftUI might look like:
struct MyView : View {
@State private var currentStatusValue = "ok"
var body: some View {
Text("Current status: \(currentStatusValue)")
.onReceive(MyPublisher.currentStatusPublisher) { newStatus in
self.currentStatusValue = newStatus
For any type of UI object (UIKit, AppKit, or SwiftUI), Assign can be used with pipelines to update properties.
Developing with Combine
A common starting point is composing pipelines, leveraging existing publishers, operators, and subscribers. A number of examples within this book highlight various patterns, many of which are aimed at providing declarative responses to user inputs within interfaces.
You may also want to create APIs that integrate more easily into Combine. For example, creating a publisher that encapsulates a remote API, returning a single result or a series of results. Or you might be creating a subscriber to consume and process data over time.
Reasoning about pipelines
When developing with Combine, there are two broader patterns of publishers that frequently recur: expecting a publisher to return a single value and complete and expecting a publisher to return many values over time.
The first is what I’m calling a "one-shot" publisher or pipeline. These publishers are expected to create a single response (or perhaps no response) and then terminate normally.
The second is what I’m calling a "continuous" publisher. These publishers and associated pipelines are expected to be always active and providing the means to respond to ongoing events. In this case, the lifetime of the pipeline is significantly longer, and it is often not desirable to have such pipelines fail or terminate.
When you are thinking about your development and how to use Combine, it is often beneficial to think about pipelines as being one of these types, and mixing them together to achieve your goals. For example, the pattern Using flatMap with catch to handle errors explicitly uses one-shot pipelines to support error handling on a continual pipeline.
When you are creating an instance of a publisher or a pipeline, it is worthwhile to be thinking about how you want it to work - to either be a one-shot, or continuous. This choice will inform how you handle errors or if you want to deal with operators that manipulate the timing of the events (such as debounce or throttle).
In addition to how much data the pipeline or publisher will provide, you will often want to think about what type pair the pipeline is expected to provide. A number of pipelines are more about transforming data through various types, and handling possible error conditions in that processing. An example of this is returning a pipeline returning a list in the example Declarative UI updates from user input to provide a means to represent an "empty" result, even though the list is never expected to have more than 1 item within it.
Ultimately, using Combine types are grounded at both ends; by the originating publisher, and how it is providing data (when it is available), and the subscriber ultimately consuming the data.
Swift types with Combine publishers and subscribers
When you compose pipelines within Swift, the chaining of functions results in the type being aggregated as nested generic types. If you are creating a pipeline, and then wanting to provide that as an API to another part of your code, the type definition for the exposed property or function can be exceptionally (and un-usefully) complex for the developer.
To illustrate the exposed type complexity, if you created a publisher from a PassthroughSubject such as:
let x = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
.flatMap { name in
return Future<String, Error> { promise in
}.catch { _ in
Just("No user found")
}.map { result in
return "\(result) foo"
The resulting type is:
Publishers.FlatMap<Publishers.Map<Publishers.Catch<Future<String, Error>, Just<String>>, String>, PassthroughSubject<String, Never>>
When you want to expose the subject, all of that composition detail can be very distracting and make your code harder to use.
To clean up that interface, and provide a nice API boundary, there are type-erased classes which can wrap either publishers or subscribers. These explicitly hide the type complexity that builds up from chained functions in Swift.
The two classes used to expose simplified types for subscribers and publishers are:
Every publisher also inherits a convenience method eraseToAnyPublisher()
that returns an instance of AnyPublisher.
is used very much like an operator, often as the last element in a chained pipeline, to simplify the type returned.
If you updated the above code to add .eraseToAnyPublisher()
at the end of the pipeline:
let x = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
.flatMap { name in
return Future<String, Error> { promise in
}.catch { _ in
Just("No user found")
}.map { result in
return "\(result) foo"
The resulting type would simplify to:
AnyPublisher<String, Never>
This same technique can be immensely useful when constructing smaller pipelines within closures.
For example, when you want to return a publisher in the closure for a flatMap operator, you get simpler reasoning about types by explicitly asserting the closure should expect AnyPublisher
An example of this can be seen in the pattern Sequencing operations with Combine.
Pipelines and threads
Combine is not just a single threaded construct. Operators, as well as publishers, can run on different dispatch queues or runloops. Composed pipelines can run across a single queue, or transfer across a number of queues or threads.
Combine allows for publishers to specify the scheduler used when either receiving from an upstream publisher (in the case of operators), or when sending to a downstream subscriber. This is critical when working with a subscriber that updates UI elements, as that should always be called on the main thread.
For example, you may see this in code as an operator:
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
A number of operators can impact what thread or queue is being used to do the relevant processing. receive and subscribe are the two most common, explicitly moving execution of operators after and prior to their invocation respectively.
A number of additional operators have parameters that include a scheduler.
Examples include delay, debounce, and throttle.
These also have an impact on the queue executing the work - both for themselves and then any operators following in a pipeline.
These operators all take a scheduler
parameter, which switches to the relevant thread or queue to do the work.
Any operators following them will also be invoked on their scheduler, giving them an impact somewhat like receive.
If you want to be explicit about which thread context an operator or subsequent operation will run within, define it with the receive operator. |
Leveraging Combine with your development
There are two common paths to developing code leveraging Combine.
First is simply leveraging synchronous (blocking) calls within a closure to one of the common operators. The two most prevalent operators leveraged for this are map and tryMap, for when your code needs to throw an Error.
Second is integrating your own code that is asynchronous, or APIs that provide a completion callback. If the code you are integrating is asynchronous, then you can’t (quite) as easily use it within a closure. You need to wrap the asynchronous code with a structure that the Combine operators can work with and invoke. In practice, this often implies creating a call that returns a publisher instance, and then using that within the pipeline.
The Future publisher was specifically created to support this kind of integration, and the pattern Wrapping an asynchronous call with a Future to create a one-shot publisher shows an example.
If you want to use data provided by a publisher as a parameter or input to creating this publisher, there are two common means of enabling this:
Using the flatMap operator, using the data passed in to create or return a Publisher instance. This is a variation of the pattern illustrated in Using flatMap with catch to handle errors.
Alternately, map or tryMap can be used to create an instance of a publisher, followed immediately by chaining switchToLatest to resolve that publisher into a value (or values) to be passed within the pipeline.
The patterns Cascading UI updates including a network request and Declarative UI updates from user input illustrate these patterns.
You may find it worthwhile to create objects which return a publisher. Often this enables your code to encapsulate the details of communicating with a remote or network based API. These can be developed using URLSession.dataTaskPublisher or your own code. A simple example of this is detailed in the pattern Cascading UI updates including a network request.
Patterns and Recipes
Included are a series of patterns and examples of Publishers, Subscribers, and pipelines. These examples are meant to illustrate how to use the Combine framework to accomplish various tasks.
Creating a subscriber with sink
- Goal
To receive the output, and the errors or completion messages, generated from a publisher or through a pipeline, you can create a subscriber with sink.
- References
- See also
- Code and explanation
Sink creates an all-purpose subscriber to capture or react to the data from a Combine pipeline, while also supporting cancellation and the publisher subscriber lifecycle.
let cancellablePipeline = publishingSource.sink { someValue in (1)
// do what you want with the resulting value passed down
// be aware that depending on the publisher, this closure
// may be invoked multiple times.
print(".sink() received \(someValue)")
1 | The simple version of a sink is very compact, with a single trailing closure receiving data when presented through the pipeline. |
let cancellablePipeline = publishingSource.sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in (1)
switch completion {
case .finished:
// no associated data, but you can react to knowing the
// request has been completed
case .failure(let anError):
// do what you want with the error details, presenting,
// logging, or hiding as appropriate
print("received the error: ", anError)
}, receiveValue: { someValue in
// do what you want with the resulting value passed down
// be aware that depending on the publisher, this closure
// may be invoked multiple times.
print(".sink() received \(someValue)")
cancellablePipeline.cancel() (2)
1 | Sinks are created by chaining the code from a publisher or pipeline, and provide an end point for the pipeline.
When the sink is created or invoked on a publisher, it implicitly starts the lifecycle with the subscribe method, requesting unlimited data. |
2 | Sinks are cancellable subscribers. At any time you can take the reference that terminated with sink and invoke .cancel() on it to invalidate and shut down the pipeline. |
Creating a subscriber with assign
- Goal
To use the results of a pipeline to set a value, often a property on a user interface view or control, but any KVO compliant object can be the provider.
- References
- See also
- Code and explanation
Assign is a subscriber that’s specifically designed to apply data from a publisher or pipeline into a property, updating that property whenever it receives data. Like sink, it activates when created and requests an unlimited data. Assign requires the failure type to be specified as
, so if your pipeline could fail (such as using an operator like tryMap) you will need to convert or handle the failure cases before using.assign
let cancellablePipeline = publishingSource (1)
.receive(on: RunLoop.main) (2)
.assign(to: \.isEnabled, on: yourButton) (3)
cancellablePipeline.cancel() (4)
1 | .assign is typically chained onto a publisher when you create it, and the return value is cancellable. |
2 | If .assign is being used to update a user interface element, you need to make sure that it is being updated on the main thread. This call makes sure the subscriber is received on the main thread. |
3 | Assign references the property being updated using a key path, and a reference to the object being updated. |
4 | At any time you can cancel to terminate and invalidate pipelines with cancel() . Frequently, you cancel the pipelines when you deactivate the objects (such as a viewController) that are getting updated from the pipeline. |
Making a network request with dataTaskPublisher
- Goal
One common use case is requesting JSON data from a URL and decoding it.
- References
- See also
- Code and explanation
This can be readily accomplished with Combine using URLSession.dataTaskPublisher followed by a series of operators that process the data. Minimally, dataTaskPublisher on URLSession uses map and decode before going to the subscriber.
The simplest case of using this might be:
let myURL = URL(string: "https://postman-echo.com/time/valid?timestamp=2016-10-10")
// checks the validity of a timestamp - this one returns {"valid":true}
// matching the data structure returned from https://postman-echo.com/time/valid
fileprivate struct PostmanEchoTimeStampCheckResponse: Decodable, Hashable { (1)
let valid: Bool
let remoteDataPublisher = URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: myURL!) (2)
// the dataTaskPublisher output combination is (data: Data, response: URLResponse)
.map { $0.data } (3)
.decode(type: PostmanEchoTimeStampCheckResponse.self, decoder: JSONDecoder()) (4)
let cancellableSink = remoteDataPublisher
.sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in
print(".sink() received the completion", String(describing: completion))
switch completion {
case .finished: (5)
case .failure(let anError): (6)
print("received error: ", anError)
}, receiveValue: { someValue in (7)
print(".sink() received \(someValue)")
1 | Commonly you will have a struct defined that supports at least Decodable (if not the full Codable protocol). This struct can be defined to only pull the pieces you are interested in from the JSON provided over the network. The complete JSON payload does not need to be defined. |
2 | dataTaskPublisher is instantiated from URLSession . You can configure your own options on URLSession , or use a shared session. |
3 | The data that is returned is a tuple: (data: Data, response: URLResponse) .
The map operator is used to get the data and drops the URLResponse , returning just Data down the pipeline. |
4 | decode is used to load the data and attempt to parse it. Decode can throw an error itself if the decode fails. If it succeeds, the object passed down the pipeline will be the struct from the JSON data. |
5 | If the decoding completed without errors, the finished completion will be triggered and the value will be passed to the receiveValue closure. |
6 | If the a failure happens (either with the original network request or the decoding), the error will be passed into with the failure closure. |
7 | Only if the data succeeded with request and decoding will this closure get invoked, and the data format received will be an instance of the struct PostmanEchoTimeStampCheckResponse . |
Stricter request processing with dataTaskPublisher
- Goal
When URLSession makes a connection, it only reports an error if the remote server does not respond. You may want to consider a number of responses, based on status code, to be errors. To accomplish this, you can use tryMap to inspect the http response and throw an error in the pipeline.
- References
- See also
- Code and explanation
To have more control over what is considered a failure in the URL response, use a
operator on the tuple response fromdataTaskPublisher
. SincedataTaskPublisher
returns both the response data and theURLResponse
into the pipeline, you can immediately inspect the response and throw an error of your own if desired.
An example of that might look like:
let myURL = URL(string: "https://postman-echo.com/time/valid?timestamp=2016-10-10")
// checks the validity of a timestamp - this one returns {"valid":true}
// matching the data structure returned from https://postman-echo.com/time/valid
fileprivate struct PostmanEchoTimeStampCheckResponse: Decodable, Hashable {
let valid: Bool
enum TestFailureCondition: Error {
case invalidServerResponse
let remoteDataPublisher = URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: myURL!)
.tryMap { data, response -> Data in (1)
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse, (2)
httpResponse.statusCode == 200 else { (3)
throw TestFailureCondition.invalidServerResponse (4)
return data (5)
.decode(type: PostmanEchoTimeStampCheckResponse.self, decoder: JSONDecoder())
let cancellableSink = remoteDataPublisher
.sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in
print(".sink() received the completion", String(describing: completion))
switch completion {
case .finished:
case .failure(let anError):
print("received error: ", anError)
}, receiveValue: { someValue in
print(".sink() received \(someValue)")
Where the previous pattern used a map operator, this uses tryMap, which allows us to identify and throw errors in the pipeline based on what was returned.
1 | tryMap still gets the tuple of (data: Data, response: URLResponse) , and is defined here as returning just the type of Data down the pipeline. |
2 | Within the closure for tryMap , we can cast the response to HTTPURLResponse and dig deeper into it, including looking at the specific status code. |
3 | In this case, we want to consider anything other than a 200 response code as a failure. HTTPURLResponse .statusCode is an Int type, so you could also have logic such as httpResponse.statusCode > 300 . |
4 | If the predicates are not met it throws an instance of an error of our choosing; invalidServerResponse in this case. |
5 | If no error has occurred, then we simply pass down Data for further processing. |
Normalizing errors from a dataTaskPublisher
When an error is triggered on the pipeline, a .failure
completion is sent with the error encapsulated within it, regardless of where it happened in the pipeline.
This pattern can be expanded to return a publisher that accommodates any number of specific error conditions using this general pattern. In many of the examples, we replace the error conditions with a default value. If we want to have a function that returns a publisher that doesn’t choose what happens on failure, then the same tryMap operator can be used in conjunction with mapError to translate review the response object as well as convert URLError error types.
enum APIError: Error, LocalizedError { (1)
case unknown, apiError(reason: String), parserError(reason: String), networkError(from: URLError)
var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .unknown:
return "Unknown error"
case .apiError(let reason), .parserError(let reason):
return reason
case .networkError(let from): (2)
return from.localizedDescription
func fetch(url: URL) -> AnyPublisher<Data, APIError> {
let request = URLRequest(url: url)
return URLSession.DataTaskPublisher(request: request, session: .shared) (3)
.tryMap { data, response in (4)
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse else {
throw APIError.unknown
if (httpResponse.statusCode == 401) {
throw APIError.apiError(reason: "Unauthorized");
if (httpResponse.statusCode == 403) {
throw APIError.apiError(reason: "Resource forbidden");
if (httpResponse.statusCode == 404) {
throw APIError.apiError(reason: "Resource not found");
if (405..<500 ~= httpResponse.statusCode) {
throw APIError.apiError(reason: "client error");
if (500..<600 ~= httpResponse.statusCode) {
throw APIError.apiError(reason: "server error");
return data
.mapError { error in (5)
// if it's our kind of error already, we can return it directly
if let error = error as? APIError {
return error
// if it is a TestExampleError, convert it into our new error type
if error is TestExampleError {
return APIError.parserError(reason: "Our example error")
// if it is a URLError, we can convert it into our more general error kind
if let urlerror = error as? URLError {
return APIError.networkError(from: urlerror)
// if all else fails, return the unknown error condition
return APIError.unknown
.eraseToAnyPublisher() (6)
1 | APIError is a Error enumeration that we are using in this example to collect all the variant errors that can occur. |
2 | .networkError is one of the specific cases of APIError that we will translate into when URLSession.dataTaskPublisher returns an error. |
3 | We start the generation of this publisher with a standard dataTaskPublisher. |
4 | We then route into the tryMap operator to inspect the response, creating specific error conditions based on the server response. |
5 | And finally we use mapError to convert any lingering error types down into a common Failure type of APIError . |
Wrapping an asynchronous call with a Future to create a one-shot publisher
- Goal
to turn an asynchronous call into publisher to use the result in a Combine pipeline.
- References
- See also
- Code and explanation
import Contacts
let futureAsyncPublisher = Future<Bool, Error> { promise in (1)
CNContactStore().requestAccess(for: .contacts) { grantedAccess, err in (2)
// err is an optional
if let err = err { (3)
return promise(.failure(err))
return promise(.success(grantedAccess)) (4)
1 | Future itself has you define the return types and takes a closure.
It hands in a Result object matching the type description, which you interact. |
2 | You can invoke the async API however is relevant, including passing in its required closure. |
3 | Within the completion handler, you determine what would cause a failure or a success.
A call to promise(.failure(<FailureType>)) returns the failure. |
4 | Or a call to promise(.success(<OutputType>)) returns a value. |
If you want to return a resolved promise as a Future
publisher, you can do so by immediately returning the result you desire its closure.
The following example returns a single value as a success, with a boolean true
You could just as easily return false
, and the publisher would still act as a successful promise.
let resolvedSuccessAsPublisher = Future<Bool, Error> { promise in
An example of returning a Future
publisher that immediately resolves as an error:
enum ExampleFailure: Error {
case oneCase
let resolvedFailureAsPublisher = Future<Bool, Error> { promise in
Sequencing asynchronous operations
- Goal
To explicitly order asynchronous operations with a Combine pipeline
This is similar to a concept called "promise chaining". While you can arrange combine such that it acts similarly, it is likely not a good replacement for using a promise library. The primary difference is that promise libraries always deal with a single result per promise, and a Combine brings along the complexity of needing to handle the possibility of many values. |
- References
- See also
Creating a repeating publisher by wrapping a delegate based API
The ViewController with this code is in the github project at UIKit-Combine/AsyncCoordinatorViewController.swift.
- Code and explanation
Any asynchronous (or synchronous) set of tasks that need to happen in a specific order can also be coordinated using a Combine pipeline. By using Future operator, the act of completing an asynchronous call can be captured, and sequencing operators provides the structure of that coordination.
By wrapping any asynchronous API calls with the Future publisher and then chaining them together with the flatMap operator, you invoke the wrapped asynchronous API calls in a specific order. Multiple parallel asynchronous efforts can be created by creating multiple pipelines, with Future or another publisher, and waiting for the pipelines to complete in parallel by merging them together with the zip operator.
If you want force an Future publisher to not be invoked until another has completed, then creating the future publisher in the flatMap closure causes it to wait to be created until a value has been passed to the flatMap operator.
These techniques can be composed to create any structure of parallel or serial tasks.
This technique of coordinating asynchronous calls can be especially effective if later tasks need data from earlier tasks. In those cases, the data results needed can be passed directly the pipeline.
An example of this sequencing follows below. In this example, buttons (arranged visually to show the ordering of actions) are highlighted when they complete. The whole sequence is triggered by a separate button action, which also resets the state of all the buttons and cancels any existing running sequence if it’s not yet finished. In this example, the asynchronous API call is a call that simply takes a random amount of time to complete to provide an example of how the timing works.
The workflow that is created is represented in steps:
step 1 runs first.
step 2 has three parallel efforts, running after step 1 completes.
step 3 waits to start until all three elements of step 2 complete.
step 4 runs after step 3 has completed.
Additionally, there is an activity indicator that is triggered to start animating when the sequence begins, stopping when step 4 has completed.
import UIKit
import Combine
class AsyncCoordinatorViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var startButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var step1_button: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var step2_1_button: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var step2_2_button: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var step2_3_button: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var step3_button: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var step4_button: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var activityIndicator: UIActivityIndicatorView!
var cancellable: AnyCancellable?
var coordinatedPipeline: AnyPublisher<Bool, Error>?
@IBAction func doit(_ sender: Any) {
func runItAll() {
if self.cancellable != nil { (1)
print("Cancelling existing run")
print("resetting all the steps")
self.resetAllSteps() (2)
// driving it by attaching it to .sink
self.activityIndicator.startAnimating() (3)
print("attaching a new sink to start things going")
self.cancellable = coordinatedPipeline? (4)
.sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in
print(".sink() received the completion: ", String(describing: completion))
}, receiveValue: { value in
print(".sink() received value: ", value)
// MARK: - helper pieces that would normally be in other files
// this emulates an async API call with a completion callback
// it does nothing other than wait and ultimately return with a boolean value
func randomAsyncAPI(completion completionBlock: @escaping ((Bool, Error?) -> Void)) {
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
sleep(.random(in: 1...4))
completionBlock(true, nil)
/// Creates and returns pipeline that uses a Future to wrap randomAsyncAPI
/// and then updates a UIButton to represent the completion of the async
/// work before returning a boolean True.
/// - Parameter button: button to be updated
func createFuturePublisher(button: UIButton) -> AnyPublisher<Bool, Error> { (5)
return Future<Bool, Error> { promise in
self.randomAsyncAPI() { (result, err) in
if let err = err {
} else {
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
// so that we can update UI elements to show the "completion"
// of this step
.map { inValue -> Bool in (6)
// intentionally side effecting here to show progress of pipeline
self.markStepDone(button: button)
return true
/// highlights a button and changes the background color to green
/// - Parameter button: reference to button being updated
func markStepDone(button: UIButton) {
button.backgroundColor = .systemGreen
button.isHighlighted = true
func resetAllSteps() {
for button in [self.step1_button, self.step2_1_button, self.step2_2_button, self.step2_3_button, self.step3_button, self.step4_button] {
button?.backgroundColor = .lightGray
button?.isHighlighted = false
// MARK: - view setup
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
coordinatedPipeline = createFuturePublisher(button: self.step1_button) (7)
.flatMap { flatMapInValue -> AnyPublisher<Bool, Error> in
let step2_1 = self.createFuturePublisher(button: self.step2_1_button)
let step2_2 = self.createFuturePublisher(button: self.step2_2_button)
let step2_3 = self.createFuturePublisher(button: self.step2_3_button)
return Publishers.Zip3(step2_1, step2_2, step2_3)
.map { _ -> Bool in
return true
.flatMap { _ in
return self.createFuturePublisher(button: self.step3_button)
.flatMap { _ in
return self.createFuturePublisher(button: self.step4_button)
1 | runItAll coordinates the operation of this workflow, starting with checking to see if one is currently running.
If defined, it invokes cancel() on the existing subscriber. |
2 | resetAllSteps iterates through all the existing buttons used represent the progress of this workflow, and resets them to gray and unhighlighted to reflect an initial state.
It also verifies that the activity indicator is not currently animated. |
3 | Then we get things started, first with activating the animation on the activity indicator. |
4 | Creating the subscriber with sink and storing the reference initiates the workflow. The publisher to which it is subscribing is setup outside this function, allowing it to be re-used multiple times. The print operator in the pipeline is for debugging, showing console output when the pipeline is triggered. |
5 | Each step is represented by the invocation of a Future publisher, followed immediately by pipeline elements to switch to the main thread and then update a UIButton’s background to show the step has completed.
This is encapsulated in a createFuturePublisher call, using eraseToAnyPublisher to simplify the type being returned. |
6 | The map operator is used to create this specific side effect of updating the a UIButton to show the step has been completed. |
7 | The creation of the overall pipeline and its structure of serial and parallel tasks is created from the combination of calls to createFuturePublisher using the operators flatMap and zip. |
Error Handling
Previous examples above expect that the subscriber would handle the error conditions, if they occurred. However, you are not always able to control what the subscriber requires - as might be the case if you are using SwiftUI. In these cases, you need to build your pipeline so that the output types match the subscriber types. This implies that you are handling any errors within the pipeline.
For example, if you are working with SwiftUI and the you want to use assign to set the isEnabled
property on a button, the subscriber will have a few requirements:
the subscriber should match the type output of
<Bool, Never>
the subscriber should be called on the main thread
With a publisher that can throw an error (such as URLSession.dataTaskPublisher), you need to construct a pipeline to convert the output type, but also handle the error within the pipeline to match a failure type of <Never>
How you handle the errors within a pipeline is dependent on how the pipeline is defined. If the pipeline is set up to return a single result and terminate, a good example is Using catch to handle errors in a one-shot pipeline. If the pipeline is set up to continually update, the error handling needs to be a little more complex. In this case, look at the example Using flatMap with catch to handle errors.
Verifying a failure hasn’t happened using assertNoFailure
- Goal
Verify no error has occurred within a pipeline
- References
- See also
- Code and explanation
Useful in testing invariants in pipelines, the assertNoFailure operator also converts the failure type to
. The operator will cause the application to terminate (or tests to crash to a debugger) if the assertion is triggered.
This is useful for verifying the invariant of having dealt with an error.
If you are sure you handled the errors and need to map a pipeline which technically can generate a failure type of <Error>
to a subscriber that requires a failure type of <Never>
It is far more likely that you want to handle the error with and not have the application terminate. Look forward to Using catch to handle errors in a one-shot pipeline and Using flatMap with catch to handle errors for patterns of how to provide logic to handle errors in a pipeline.
Using catch to handle errors in a one-shot pipeline
- Goal
If you need to handle a failure within a pipeline, for example before using the
operator or another operator that requires the failure type to be<Never>
, you can usecatch
to provide the appropriate logic.
- References
- See also
- Code and explanation
catch handles errors by replacing the upstream publisher with another publisher that you provide as a return in a closure.
Be aware that this effectively terminates the pipeline. If you’re using a one-shot publisher (one that doesn’t create more than a single event), then this is fine. |
For example, URLSession.dataTaskPublisher is a one-shot publisher and you might use catch with it to ensure that you get a response, returning a placeholder in the event of an error. Extending our previous example to provide a default response:
struct IPInfo: Codable {
// matching the data structure returned from ip.jsontest.com
var ip: String
let myURL = URL(string: "http://ip.jsontest.com")
// NOTE(heckj): you'll need to enable insecure downloads in your Info.plist for this example
// since the URL scheme is 'http'
let remoteDataPublisher = URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: myURL!)
// the dataTaskPublisher output combination is (data: Data, response: URLResponse)
.map({ (inputTuple) -> Data in
return inputTuple.data
.decode(type: IPInfo.self, decoder: JSONDecoder()) (1)
.catch { err in (2)
return Publishers.Just(IPInfo(ip: ""))(3)
1 | Often, a catch operator will be placed after several operators that could fail, in order to provide a fallback or placeholder in the event that any of the possible previous operations failed. |
2 | When using catch, you get the error type in and can inspect it to choose how you provide a response. |
3 | The Just publisher is frequently used to either start another one-shot pipeline or to directly provide a placeholder response in the event of failure. |
A possible problem with this technique is that the if the original publisher generates more values to which you wish to react, the original pipeline has been ended. If you are creating a pipeline that reacts to a @Published property, then after any failed value that activates the catch operator, the pipeline will cease to react further. See catch for more details of how this works.
If you want to continue to respond to errors and handle them, see the pattern Using flatMap with catch to handle errors.
Retrying in the event of a temporary failure
- Goal
The retry operator can be included in a pipeline to retry a subscription when a
completion occurs.
- References
- See also
- Code and explanation
When requesting data from a
, the request may fail. In that case you will receive a.failure
completion with an error. When it fails, the retry operator will let you retry that same request for a set number of attempts. Theretry
operator passes through the resulting values when the publisher does not send a.failure
only reacts within a combine pipeline when a.failure
completion is sent.
When retry
receives a .failure
completion, the way it retries is by recreating the subscription to the operator or publisher to which it was chained.
The retry operator is commonly desired when attempting to request network resources with an unstable connection, or other situations where the request might succeed if the request happens again.
If the number of retries specified all fail, then the .failure
completion is passed down to the subscriber.
In our example below, we are using retry in combination with a delay operator. Our use of the delay operator puts a small random delay before the next request. This spaces out the retry attempts, so that the retries do not happen in quick succession.
This example also includes the use of the tryMap operator to more fully inspect any URLResponse returned from the dataTaskPublisher
Any response from the server is encapsulated by URLSession
, and passed forward as a valid response.
does not treat a 404 Not Found http response as an error response, nor any of the 50x error codes.
Using tryMap
lets us inspect the response code that was sent, and verify that it was a 200 response code.
In this example, if the response code is anything but a 200 response, it throws an exception - which in turn causes the tryMap operator to pass down a .failure
completion rather than data.
This example sets the tryMap
after the retry operator so that retry will only re-attempt the request when the site didn’t respond.
let remoteDataPublisher = urlSession.dataTaskPublisher(for: self.URL!)
.delay(for: DispatchQueue.SchedulerTimeType.Stride(integerLiteral: Int.random(in: 1..<5)), scheduler: backgroundQueue) (1)
.retry(3) (2)
.tryMap { data, response -> Data in (3)
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
httpResponse.statusCode == 200 else {
throw TestFailureCondition.invalidServerResponse
return data
.decode(type: PostmanEchoTimeStampCheckResponse.self, decoder: JSONDecoder())
.subscribe(on: backgroundQueue)
1 | The delay operator will hold the results flowing through the pipeline for a short duration, in this case for a random selection of 1 to 5 seconds. By adding delay here in the pipeline, it will always occur, even if the original request is successful. |
2 | Retry is specified as trying 3 times. This will result in a total of four attempts if each fails - the original request and 3 additional attempts. |
3 | tryMap is being used to inspect the data result from dataTaskPublisher and return a .failure completion if the response from the server is valid, but not a 200 HTTP response code. |
When using the retry operator with URLSession.dataTaskPublisher, verify that the URL you are requesting isn’t going to have negative side effects if requested repeatedly or with a retry. Ideally such requests are be expected to be idempotent. If they are not, the retry operator may make multiple requests, with very unexpected side effects. |
Using flatMap and catch to handle errors without cancelling the pipeline
- Goal
operator can be used withcatch
to continue to handle errors on new published values.
- References
- See also
- Code and explanation
operator is the operator to use in handling errors on a continual flow of events.
You provide a closure to flatMap
that can read in the value that was provided, and creates a one-shot publisher that does the possibly failing work.
An example of this is requesting data from a network and then decoding the returned data.
You can include a catch operator to capture any errors and provide an appropriate value.
This is a perfect mechanism for when you want to maintain updates up an upstream publisher, as it creates one-shot publisher or short pipelines that send a single value and then complete for every incoming value. The completion from the created one-shot publishers terminates in the flatMap and is not passed to downstream subscribers.
An example of this with a dataTaskPublisher
let remoteDataPublisher = Just(self.testURL!) (1)
.flatMap { url in (2)
URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: url) (3)
.tryMap { data, response -> Data in (4)
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
httpResponse.statusCode == 200 else {
throw TestFailureCondition.invalidServerResponse
return data
.decode(type: PostmanEchoTimeStampCheckResponse.self, decoder: JSONDecoder()) (5)
.catch {_ in (6)
return Just(PostmanEchoTimeStampCheckResponse(valid: false))
1 | Just starts this publisher as an example by passing in a URL. |
2 | flatMap takes the URL as input and the closure goes on to create a one-shot publisher pipeline. |
3 | dataTaskPublisher uses the input url to make the request. |
4 | The result output ( a tuple of (Data, URLResponse) ) flows into tryMap to be parsed for additional errors. |
5 | decode attempts to refine the returned data into a locally defined type. |
6 | If any of this has failed, catch will convert the error into a placeholder sample.
In this case an object with a preset valid = false property. |
Requesting data from an alternate URL when the network is constrained
- Goal
From Apple’s WWDC 2019 presentation Advances in Networking, Part 1, a sample pattern was provided using
operators to react to the specific error of the network being constrained.
- References
- See also
- Code and explanation
// Generalized Publisher for Adaptive URL Loading
func adaptiveLoader(regularURL: URL, lowDataURL: URL) -> AnyPublisher<Data, Error> {
var request = URLRequest(url: regularURL) (1)
request.allowsConstrainedNetworkAccess = false (2)
return URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: request) (3)
.tryCatch { error -> URLSession.DataTaskPublisher in (4)
guard error.networkUnavailableReason == .constrained else {
throw error
return URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: lowDataURL) (5)
.tryMap { data, response -> Data in
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPUrlResponse, (6)
httpResponse.statusCode == 200 else {
throw MyNetworkingError.invalidServerResponse
return data
.eraseToAnyPublisher() (7)
This example, from Apple’s WWDC, provides a function that takes two URLs - a primary and a fallback. It returns a publisher that will request data and fall back requesting a secondary URL when the network is constrained.
1 | The request starts with an attempt requesting data. |
2 | Setting request.allowsConstrainedNetworkAccess will cause the dataTaskPublisher to error if the network is constrained. |
3 | Invoke the dataTaskPublisher to make the request. |
4 | tryCatch is used to capture the immediate error condition and check for a specific error (the constrained network). |
5 | If it finds an error, it creates a new one-shot publisher with the fall-back URL. |
6 | The resulting publisher can still fail, and tryMap can map this a failure by throwing an error on HTTP response codes that map to error conditions |
7 | eraseToAnyPublisher enables type erasure on the chain of operators so the resulting signature of the adaptiveLoader function is AnyPublisher<Data, Error> |
In the sample, if the error returned from the original request wasn’t an issue of the network being constrained, it passes on the .failure
completion down the pipeline.
If the error is that the network is constrained, then the tryCatch
operator creates a new request to an alternate URL.
UIKit or AppKit Integration
Declarative UI updates from user input
- Goal
Querying a web based API and returning the data to be displayed in your UI
- References
The Xcode project ViewController with this code is in the github project at
Publishers: @Published, URLSession.dataTaskPublisher
Operators: map, switchToLatest, receive, throttle, removeDuplicates
Subscribers: assign
- See also
- Code and explanation
One of the primary benefits of a framework like Combine is setting up a declarative structure that defines how an interface will update to user input.
A pattern for integrating Combine with UIKit is setting up a variable which will hold a reference to the updated state, and linking the controls using IBAction.
The sample is a portion of the code at in a larger view controller implementation.
This example overlaps with the next pattern Cascading UI updates including a network request, which builds upon the initial publisher.
import UIKit
import Combine
class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var github_id_entry: UITextField! (1)
var usernameSubscriber: AnyCancellable?
// username from the github_id_entry field, updated via IBAction
// @Published is creating a publisher $username of type <String, Never>
@Published var username: String = "" (2)
// github user retrieved from the API publisher. As it's updated, it
// is "wired" to update UI elements
@Published private var githubUserData: [GithubAPIUser] = []
// MARK - Actions
@IBAction func githubIdChanged(_ sender: UITextField) {
username = sender.text ?? "" (3)
print("Set username to ", username)
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
usernameSubscriber = $username (4)
.throttle(for: 0.5, scheduler: myBackgroundQueue, latest: true) (5)
// ^^ scheduler myBackGroundQueue publishes resulting elements
// into that queue, resulting on this processing moving off the
// main runloop.
.removeDuplicates() (6)
.print("username pipeline: ") // debugging output for pipeline
.map { username -> AnyPublisher<[GithubAPIUser], Never> in (7)
return GithubAPI.retrieveGithubUser(username: username)
// ^^ type returned by retrieveGithubUser is a Publisher, so we use
// switchToLatest to resolve the publisher to its value
// to return down the chain, rather than returning a
// publisher down the pipeline.
.switchToLatest() (8)
// using a sink to get the results from the API search lets us
// get not only the user, but also any errors attempting to get it.
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.assign(to: \.githubUserData, on: self) (9)
1 | The UITextField is the interface element which is driving the updates from user interaction. |
2 | We defined a @Published property to both hold the data and reflect updates when they happen.
Because its a @Published property, it provides a publisher that we can use with Combine pipelines to update other variables or elements of the interface. |
3 | We set the variable username from within an IBAction, which in turn triggers a data flow if the publisher $username has any subscribers. |
4 | We in turn set up a subscriber on the publisher $username that does further actions.
In this case it uses updated values of username to retrieves an instance of a GithubAPIUser from Github’s REST API.
It will make a new HTTP request to the every time the username value is updated. |
5 | The throttle is there to keep from triggering a network request on every possible edit of the text field. The throttle keeps it to a maximum of 1 request every half-second. |
6 | removeDuplicates collapses events from the changing username so that API requests are not made on the same value twice in a row.
The removeDuplicates prevents redundant requests from being made, should the user edit and the return the previous value. |
7 | map is used similarly to flatMap in error handling here, returning an instance of a publisher. The API object returns a publisher, which this map is invoking. This doesn’t return the value from the call, but the publisher itself. |
8 | switchToLatest operator takes the instance of the publisher and resolves out the data.
switchToLatest resolves a publisher into a value and passes that value down the pipeline, in this case an instance of [GithubAPIUser] . |
9 | And assign at the end up the pipeline is the subscriber, which assigns the value into another variable: githubUserData . |
The pattern Cascading UI updates including a network request expands upon this code to multiple cascading updates of various UI elements.
Cascading multiple UI updates, including a network request
- Goal
Have multiple UI elements update triggered by an upstream subscriber
- References
The ViewController with this code is in the github project at UIKit-Combine/GithubViewController.swift. You can see this code in operation by running the UIKit target within the github project.
The GithubAPI is in the github project at UIKit-Combine/GithubAPI.swift
Publishers: @Published, URLSession.dataTaskPublisher, Just, Empty
Operators: decode, catch, map, tryMap, switchToLatest, filter, handleEvents, subscribe, receive, throttle, removeDuplicates
- See also
- Code and explanation
The example provided expands on a publisher updating from Declarative UI updates from user input, adding additional Combine pipelines to update multiple UI elements as someone interacts with the provided interface.
The general pattern of this view starts with a textfield that accepts user input, from which the following actions flow:
Using an IBAction the @Published
variable is updated. -
We have a subscriber (
) attached$username
publisher, which publishes the value on change and attempts to retrieve the GitHub user. The resulting variablegithubUserData
(also @Published) is a list of GitHub user objects. Even though we only expect a single value here, we use a list because we can conveniently return an empty list on failure scenarios: unable to access the API or the username isn’t registered at GitHub. -
We have the
to reflect when the GithubAPI object starts or finishes making network requests. -
We have a another subscriber
attached to$githubUserData
publisher that pulls the repository count off the github user data object and assigns it to a text field to be displayed. -
We have a final subscriber
attached to$githubUserData
that attempts to retrieve the image associated with the user’s avatar for display.
The empty list is useful to return because when a username is provided that doesn’t resolve, we want to explicitly remove any avatar image that was previously displayed.
To do this, we need the pipelines to fully resolve to some value, so that further pipelines are triggered and the relevant UI interfaces updated.
If we used an optional |
The subscribers (created with assign and sink) are stored as AnyCancellable
variables on the view controller instance.
Because they are defined on the class instance, the Swift compiler creates deinitializers which will cancel and clean up the publishers when the class is torn down.
A number of developers comfortable with RxSwift are using a "CancelBag" object to collect cancellable references, and cancel the pipelines on tear down.
An example of this can be seen at https://github.com/tailec/CombineExamples/blob/master/CombineExamples/Shared/CancellableBag.swift.
This is accommodated within Combine with the |
The pipelines have been explicitly configured to work on a background queue using the subscribe operator. Without that additional detail configured, the pipelines would be invoked and run on the main runloop since they were invoked from the UI, which may cause a noticeable slow-down in responsiveness in the user interface. Likewise when the resulting pipelines assign or update UI elements, the receive operator is used to transfer that work back onto the main runloop.
To have the UI continuously updated from changes propagating through @Published properties, we want to make sure that any configured pipelines have a <Never> failure type. This is required for the assign operator. It is also a potential source of bugs when using a sink operator. If the pipeline from a @Published variable terminates to a sink that accepts an Error failure type, the sink will send a termination signal if an error occurs. This will then stop the pipeline from any further processing, even when the variable is updated. |
import Foundation
import Combine
enum APIFailureCondition: Error {
case invalidServerResponse
struct GithubAPIUser: Decodable { (1)
// A very *small* subset of the content available about
// a github API user for example:
// https://api.github.com/users/heckj
let login: String
let public_repos: Int
let avatar_url: String
struct GithubAPI { (2)
// NOTE(heckj): I've also seen this kind of API access
// object set up with with a class and static methods on the class.
// I don't know that there's a specific benefit to making this a value
// type/struct with a function on it.
/// externally accessible publisher that indicates that network activity is happening in the API proxy
static let networkActivityPublisher = PassthroughSubject<Bool, Never>() (3)
/// creates a one-shot publisher that provides a GithubAPI User
/// object as the end result. This method was specifically designed to
/// return a list of 1 object, as opposed to the object itself to make
/// it easier to distinguish a "no user" result (empty list)
/// representation that could be dealt with more easily in a Combine
/// pipeline than an optional value. The expected return type is a
/// Publisher that returns either an empty list, or a list of one
/// GithubAPUser, with a failure return type of Never, so it's
/// suitable for recurring pipeline updates working with a @Published
/// data source.
/// - Parameter username: username to be retrieved from the Github API
static func retrieveGithubUser(username: String) -> AnyPublisher<[GithubAPIUser], Never> { (4)
if username.count < 3 { (5)
return Just([]).eraseToAnyPublisher()
let assembledURL = String("https://api.github.com/users/\(username)")
let publisher = URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: URL(string: assembledURL)!)
.handleEvents(receiveSubscription: { _ in (6)
}, receiveCompletion: { _ in
}, receiveCancel: {
.tryMap { data, response -> Data in (7)
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
httpResponse.statusCode == 200 else {
throw APIFailureCondition.invalidServerResponse
return data
.decode(type: GithubAPIUser.self, decoder: JSONDecoder()) (8)
.map {
[$0] (9)
.catch { err in (10)
// When I originally wrote this method, I was returning
// a GithubAPIUser? optional.
// I ended up converting this to return an empty
// list as the "error output replacement" so that I could
// represent that the current value requested didn't *have* a
// correct github API response.
return Just([])
.eraseToAnyPublisher() (11)
return publisher
1 | The decodable struct created here is a subset of what’s returned from the GitHub API. Any pieces not defined in the struct are simply ignored when processed by the decode operator. |
2 | The code to interact with the GitHub API was broken out into its own object, which I would normally have in a separate file. The functions on the API struct return publishers, and are then mixed and merged with other pipelines in the ViewController. |
3 | This struct also exposes a publisher using passthroughSubject to reflect Boolean values when it is actively making network requests. |
4 | I first created the pipelines to return an optional GithubAPIUser instance, but found that there wasn’t a convenient way to propagate "nil" or empty objects on failure conditions. The code was then recreated to return a list, even though only a single instance was ever expected, to conveniently represent an "empty" object. This was important for the use case of wanting to erase existing values in following pipelines reacting to the GithubAPIUser object "disappearing" - removing the repository count and avatar images in this case. |
5 | The logic here is simply to prevent extraneous network requests, returning an empty result if the username being requested has less than 3 characters. |
6 | the handleEvents operator is how we are triggering updates for the network activity publisher.
We define closures that trigger on subscription and finalization (both completion and cancel) that invoke send() on the passthroughSubject.
This is an example of how we can provide metadata about a pipeline’s operation as a separate publisher. |
7 | tryMap adds additional checking on the API response from github to convert correct responses from the API that aren’t valid User instances into a pipeline failure condition. |
8 | decode takes the Data from the response and decodes it into a single instance of GithubAPIUser |
9 | map is used to take the single instance and convert it into a list of 1 item, changing the type to a list of GithubAPIUser : [GithubAPIUser] . |
10 | catch operator captures the error conditions within this pipeline, and returns an empty list on failure while also converting the failure type to Never . |
11 | eraseToAnyPublisher collapses the complex types of the chained operators and exposes the whole pipeline as an instance of AnyPublisher . |
import UIKit
import Combine
class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var github_id_entry: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var activityIndicator: UIActivityIndicatorView!
@IBOutlet weak var repositoryCountLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var githubAvatarImageView: UIImageView!
var repositoryCountSubscriber: AnyCancellable?
var avatarViewSubscriber: AnyCancellable?
var usernameSubscriber: AnyCancellable?
var headingSubscriber: AnyCancellable?
var apiNetworkActivitySubscriber: AnyCancellable?
// username from the github_id_entry field, updated via IBAction
@Published var username: String = ""
// github user retrieved from the API publisher. As it's updated, it
// is "wired" to update UI elements
@Published private var githubUserData: [GithubAPIUser] = []
// publisher reference for this is $username, of type <String, Never>
var myBackgroundQueue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "viewControllerBackgroundQueue")
let coreLocationProxy = LocationHeadingProxy()
// MARK - Actions
@IBAction func githubIdChanged(_ sender: UITextField) {
username = sender.text ?? ""
print("Set username to ", username)
// MARK - lifecycle methods
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
let apiActivitySub = GithubAPI.networkActivityPublisher (1)
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.sink { doingSomethingNow in
if (doingSomethingNow) {
} else {
apiNetworkActivitySubscriber = AnyCancellable(apiActivitySub)
usernameSubscriber = $username (2)
.throttle(for: 0.5, scheduler: myBackgroundQueue, latest: true)
// ^^ scheduler myBackGroundQueue publishes resulting elements
// into that queue, resulting on this processing moving off the
// main runloop.
.print("username pipeline: ") // debugging output for pipeline
.map { username -> AnyPublisher<[GithubAPIUser], Never> in
return GithubAPI.retrieveGithubUser(username: username)
// ^^ type returned in the pipeline is a Publisher, so we use
// switchToLatest to flatten the values out of that
// pipeline to return down the chain, rather than returning a
// publisher down the pipeline.
// using a sink to get the results from the API search lets us
// get not only the user, but also any errors attempting to get it.
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.assign(to: \.githubUserData, on: self)
// using .assign() on the other hand (which returns an
// AnyCancellable) *DOES* require a Failure type of <Never>
repositoryCountSubscriber = $githubUserData (3)
.print("github user data: ")
.map { userData -> String in
if let firstUser = userData.first {
return String(firstUser.public_repos)
return "unknown"
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.assign(to: \.text, on: repositoryCountLabel)
let avatarViewSub = $githubUserData (4)
.map { userData -> AnyPublisher<UIImage, Never> in
guard let firstUser = userData.first else {
// my placeholder data being returned below is an empty
// UIImage() instance, which simply clears the display.
// Your use case may be better served with an explicit
// placeholder image in the event of this error condition.
return Just(UIImage()).eraseToAnyPublisher()
return URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: URL(string: firstUser.avatar_url)!)
// ^^ this hands back (Data, response) objects
.handleEvents(receiveSubscription: { _ in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
}, receiveCompletion: { _ in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
}, receiveCancel: {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
.receive(on: self.myBackgroundQueue)
// ^^ do this work on a background Queue so we don't impact
// UI responsiveness
.map { $0.data }
// ^^ pare down to just the Data object
.map { UIImage(data: $0)!}
// ^^ convert Data into a UIImage with its initializer
.catch { err in
return Just(UIImage())
// ^^ deal the failure scenario and return my "replacement"
// image for when an avatar image either isn't available or
// fails somewhere in the pipeline here.
// ^^ match the return type here to the return type defined
// in the .map() wrapping this because otherwise the return
// type would be terribly complex nested set of generics.
// ^^ Take the returned publisher that's been passed down the chain
// and "subscribe it out" to the value within in, and then pass
// that further down.
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
// ^^ and then switch to receive and process the data on the main
// queue since we're messing with the UI
.map { image -> UIImage? in
// ^^ this converts from the type UIImage to the type UIImage?
// which is key to making it work correctly with the .assign()
// operator, which must map the type *exactly*
.assign(to: \.image, on: self.githubAvatarImageView)
// convert the .sink to an `AnyCancellable` object that we have
// referenced from the implied initializers
avatarViewSubscriber = AnyCancellable(avatarViewSub)
// KVO publisher of UIKit interface element
let _ = repositoryCountLabel.publisher(for: \.text) (5)
.sink { someValue in
print("repositoryCountLabel Updated to \(String(describing: someValue))")
1 | We add a subscriber to our previous controller from that connects notifications of activity from the GithubAPI object to our activity indicator. |
2 | Where the username is updated from the IBAction (from our earlier example Declarative UI updates from user input) we have the subscriber make the network request and put the results in a new variable (also @Published) on our ViewController. |
3 | The first subscriber is on the publisher $githubUserData .
This pipeline extracts the count of repositories and updates the UI label instance.
There is a bit of logic in the middle of the pipeline to return the string "unknown" when the list is empty. |
4 | The second subscriber is connected to the publisher $githubUserData .
This triggers a network request to request the image data for the github avatar.
This is a more complex pipeline, extracting the data from githubUser , assembling a URL, and then requesting it.
We also use handleEvents operator to trigger updates to the activityIndicator in our view.
We use receive to make the requests on a background queue and later to push the results back onto the main thread in order to update UI elements.
The catch and failure handling returns an empty UIImage instance in the event of failure. |
5 | A final subscriber is attached to the UILabel itself. Any Key-Value Observable object from Foundation can produce a publisher. In this example, we attach a publisher that triggers a print statement that the UI element was updated. |
While we could simply attach pipelines to UI elements as we’re updating them, it more closely couples interactions to the actual UI elements themselves.
While easy and direct, it is often a good idea to make explicit state and updates to separate out actions and data for debugging and understandability.
In the example above, we use two @Published properties to hold the state associated with the current view.
One of which is updated by an |
Merging multiple pipelines to update UI elements
- Goal
Watch and react to multiple UI elements publishing values, and updating the interface based on the combination of values updated.
- References
The ViewController with this code is in the github project at UIKit-Combine/FormViewController.swift
Publishers: @Published,
Operators: combineLatest, map, receive
Subscribers: assign
- See also
- Code and explanation
This example intentionally mimics a lot of web form style validation scenarios, but within UIKit and using Combine.
A view controller is set up with multiple elements to declaratively update. The view controller hosts 3 primary text input fields:
It also hosts a button to submit the combined values, and two labels to provide feedback.
The rules of these update that are implemented:
The entry in
has to be at least 5 characters. -
The entry in
has to be at least 5 characters. -
The entry in
has to be the same asvalue2
If any of these rules aren’t met, then we want the submit button to be disabled and relevant messages displayed explaining what needs to be done.
This can be achieved by setting up a cascade of pipelines that link and merge together.
There is a @Published property matching each of the user input fields. combineLatest is used to take the continually published updates from the properties and merge them into a single pipeline. A map operator enforces the rules about characters required and the values needing to be the same. If the values don’t match the required output, we pass a nil value down the pipeline.
Another validation pipeline is set up for value1, just using a map operator to validate the value, or return nil.
The logic within the map operators doing the validation is also used to update the label messages in the user interface.
A final pipeline uses combineLatest to merge the two validation pipelines into a single pipeline. A subscriber is attached to this combined pipeline to determine if the submission button should be enabled.
The example below shows these all connected.
import UIKit
import Combine
class FormViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var value1_input: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var value2_input: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var value2_repeat_input: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var submission_button: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var value1_message_label: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var value2_message_label: UILabel!
@IBAction func value1_updated(_ sender: UITextField) { (1)
value1 = sender.text ?? ""
@IBAction func value2_updated(_ sender: UITextField) {
value2 = sender.text ?? ""
@IBAction func value2_repeat_updated(_ sender: UITextField) {
value2_repeat = sender.text ?? ""
@Published var value1: String = ""
@Published var value2: String = ""
@Published var value2_repeat: String = ""
var validatedValue1: AnyPublisher<String?, Never> { (2)
return $value1.map { value1 in
guard value1.count > 2 else {
DispatchQueue.main.async { (3)
self.value1_message_label.text = "minimum of 3 characters required"
return nil
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.value1_message_label.text = ""
return value1
var validatedValue2: AnyPublisher<String?, Never> { (4)
return Publishers.CombineLatest($value2, $value2_repeat)
.receive(on: RunLoop.main) (5)
.map { value2, value2_repeat in
guard value2_repeat == value2, value2.count > 4 else {
self.value2_message_label.text = "values must match and have at least 5 characters"
return nil
self.value2_message_label.text = ""
return value2
var readyToSubmit: AnyPublisher<(String, String)?, Never> { (6)
return Publishers.CombineLatest(validatedValue2, validatedValue1)
.map { value2, value1 in
guard let realValue2 = value2, let realValue1 = value1 else {
return nil
return (realValue2, realValue1)
private var cancellableSet: Set<AnyCancellable> = [] (7)
override func viewDidLoad() {
.map { $0 != nil } (8)
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.assign(to: \.isEnabled, on: submission_button)
.store(in: &cancellableSet) (9)
1 | The start of this code follows the same patterns laid out in Declarative UI updates from user input. IBAction messages are used to update the @Published properties, triggering updates to any subscribers attached. |
2 | The first validation pipeline uses a map operator to take the string value input and convert it to nil if it doesn’t match the validation rules.
This is also converting the output type from the published property of <String> to the optional <String?> .
The same logic is also used to trigger updates to the messages label to provide information about what is required. |
3 | Since we are updating user interface elements, we explicitly make those updates wrapped in DispatchQueue.main.async to invoke on the main thread. |
4 | combineLatest takes two publishers and merges them into a single pipeline with an output type that is the combined values of each of the upstream publishers.
In this case, the output type is a tuple of (<String>, <String>) . |
5 | Rather than use DispatchQueue.main.async , we can use the receive operator to explicitly run the next operator on the main thread, since it will be doing UI updates. |
6 | The two validation pipelines are combined with combineLatest, and the output of those checked and merged into a single tuple output. |
7 | We could store the assignment pipeline as an AnyCancellable? reference (to map it to the life of the viewcontroller) but another option is to create something to collect all the cancellable references.
This starts as an empty set, and any sinks or assignment subscribers can be added to it to keep a reference to them so that they operate over the full lifetime of the view controller.
If you are creating a number of pipelines, this can be a convenient way to maintain references to all of them. |
8 | If any of the values are nil, the map operator returns nil down the pipeline. Checking against a nil value provides the boolean used to enable (or disable) the submission button. |
9 | the store method is available on the Cancellable protocol, which is explicitly set up to support saving off references that can be used to cancel a pipeline. |
Creating a repeating publisher by wrapping a delegate based API
- Goal
To use one of the Apple delegate APIs to provide values for a Combine pipeline.
- References
- See also
- Code and explanation
Where a Future publisher is great for wrapping existing code to make a single request, it doesn’t serve as well to make a publisher that produces lengthy, or potentially unbounded, amount of output.
Apple’s Cocoa APIs have tended to use a object/delegate pattern, where you can opt in to receiving any number of different callbacks (often with data). One such example of that is included within the CoreLocation library, which offers a number of different data sources.
If you want to consume data provided by one of these kinds of APIs within a pipeline, you can wrap the object and use passthroughSubject to expose a publisher. The sample code below shows an example of wrapping CoreLocation’s CLManager object and consuming the data from it through a UIKit view controller.
import Foundation
import Combine
import CoreLocation
final class LocationHeadingProxy: NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate {
let mgr: CLLocationManager (1)
private let headingPublisher: PassthroughSubject<CLHeading, Error> (2)
var publisher: AnyPublisher<CLHeading, Error> (3)
override init() {
mgr = CLLocationManager()
headingPublisher = PassthroughSubject<CLHeading, Error>()
publisher = headingPublisher.eraseToAnyPublisher()
mgr.delegate = self (4)
func enable() {
mgr.startUpdatingHeading() (5)
func disable() {
// MARK - delegate methods
* locationManager:didUpdateHeading:
* Discussion:
* Invoked when a new heading is available.
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateHeading newHeading: CLHeading) {
headingPublisher.send(newHeading) (6)
* locationManager:didFailWithError:
* Discussion:
* Invoked when an error has occurred. Error types are defined in "CLError.h".
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didFailWithError error: Error) {
headingPublisher.send(completion: Subscribers.Completion.failure(error)) (7)
1 | CLLocationManager is the heart of what is being wrapped, part of CoreLocation.
Because it has additional methods that need to be called for using the framework, I exposed it as a public read-only property.
This is useful for requesting user permission to use the location API, which the framework exposes as a method on CLLocationManager . |
2 | A private instance of PassthroughSubject with the data type we want to publish provides our inside-the-class access to forward data. |
3 | A public property publisher exposes the publisher from that subject for external subscriptions. |
4 | The heart of this works by assigning this class as the delegate to the CLLocationManager instance, which is set up at the tail end of initialization. |
5 | The CoreLocation API doesn’t immediately start sending information. There are methods that need to be called to start (and stop) the data flow, and these are wrapped and exposed on this proxy object. Most publishers are set up to subscribe and drive consumption based on subscription, so this is a bit out of the norm for how a publisher starts generating data. |
6 | With the delegate defined and the CLLocationManager activated, the data will be provided via callbacks defined on the CLLocationManagerDelegate.
We implement the callbacks we want for this wrapped object, and within them we use passthroughSubject .send() to forward the information to any existing subscribers. |
7 | While not strictly required, the delegate provided an Error reporting callback, so we included that as an example of forwarding an error through passthroughSubject. |
import UIKit
import Combine
import CoreLocation
class HeadingViewController: UIViewController {
var headingSubscriber: AnyCancellable?
let coreLocationProxy = LocationHeadingProxy()
var headingBackgroundQueue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "headingBackgroundQueue")
// MARK - lifecycle methods
@IBOutlet weak var permissionButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var activateTrackingSwitch: UISwitch!
@IBOutlet weak var headingLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var locationPermissionLabel: UILabel!
@IBAction func requestPermission(_ sender: UIButton) {
print("requesting corelocation permission")
let _ = Future<Int, Never> { promise in (1)
return promise(.success(1))
.delay(for: 2.0, scheduler: headingBackgroundQueue) (2)
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.sink { _ in
print("updating corelocation permission label")
self.updatePermissionStatus() (3)
@IBAction func trackingToggled(_ sender: UISwitch) {
switch sender.isOn {
case true:
self.coreLocationProxy.enable() (4)
print("Enabling heading tracking")
case false:
print("Disabling heading tracking")
func updatePermissionStatus() {
let x = CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus()
switch x {
case .authorizedWhenInUse:
locationPermissionLabel.text = "Allowed when in use"
case .notDetermined:
locationPermissionLabel.text = "notDetermined"
case .restricted:
locationPermissionLabel.text = "restricted"
case .denied:
locationPermissionLabel.text = "denied"
case .authorizedAlways:
locationPermissionLabel.text = "authorizedAlways"
@unknown default:
locationPermissionLabel.text = "unknown default"
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
// request authorization for the corelocation data
let corelocationsub = coreLocationProxy
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.sink { someValue in (5)
self.headingLabel.text = String(someValue.trueHeading)
headingSubscriber = AnyCancellable(corelocationsub)
1 | One of the quirks of CoreLocation is the requirement to ask for permission from the user to access the data.
The API provided to initiate this request returns immediately, but provides no detail if the user allowed or denied the request.
The CLLocationManager class includes the information, and exposes it as a class method when you want to retrieve it, but there is no information provided to know when, or if, the user has responded to the request.
Since the operation doesn’t provide any return, we provide an integer as the pipeline data, primarily to represent that the request has been made. |
2 | Since there isn’t a clear way to judge when the user will grant permission, but the permission is persistent, we simply use a delay operator before attempting to retrieve the data. This use simply delays the propagation of the value for two seconds. |
3 | After that delay, we invoke the class method and attempt to update information in the interface with the results of the current provided status. |
4 | Since CoreLocation requires methods to be explicitly enabled or disabled to provide the data, this connects a UISwitch toggle IBAction to the methods exposed on our publisher proxy. |
5 | The heading data is received in this sink subscriber, where in this example we write it to a text label. |
Responding to updates from NotificationCenter
- Goal
Receiving notifications from NotificationCenter as a publisher to declaratively react to the information provided.
- References
- See also
The unit tests at
- Code and explanation
A large number of frameworks and user interface components provide information about their state and interactions via Notifications from NotificationCenter. Apple’s documentation includes an article on receiving and handling events with Combine specifically referencing NotificationCenter.
Notifications flowing through NotificationCenter provide a common, central location for events within your application.
You can also add your own notifications to your application, and upon sending them may include an additional dictionary in their userInfo
An example of defining your own notification .myExampleNotification
extension Notification.Name {
static let myExampleNotification = Notification.Name("an-example-notification")
Notification names are structured, and based on Strings.
Object references can be passed when a notification is posted to the NotificationCenter, indicating which object sent the notification.
Additionally, Notifications may include a userInfo
, which has a type of [AnyHashable : Any]?
This allows for arbitrary dictionaries, either reference or value typed, to be included with a notification.
let myUserInfo = ["foo": "bar"]
let note = Notification(name: .myExampleNotification, userInfo: myUserInfo)
While commonly in use within AppKit and macOS applications, not all developers are comfortable with heavily using NotificationCenter. Originating within the more dynamic Objective-C runtime, Notifications leverage Any and optional types quite extensively. Using them within Swift code, or a pipeline, implies that the pipeline will have to provide the type assertions and deal with any possible errors related to data that may or may not be expected. |
When creating the NotificationCenter publisher, you provide the name of the notification for which you want to receive, and optionally an object reference to filter to specific types of objects. A number of AppKit components that are subclasses of NSControl share a set of notifications, and filtering can be critical to getting the right notification.
An example of subscribing to AppKit generated notifications:
let sub = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: NSControl.textDidChangeNotification, (1)
object: filterField) (2)
.map { ($0.object as! NSTextField).stringValue } (3)
.assign(to: \MyViewModel.filterString, on: myViewModel) (4)
1 | TextFields within AppKit generate a textDidChangeNotification when the values are updated. |
2 | An AppKit application can frequently have a large number of text fields that may be changed. Including a reference to the sending control can be used to filter to text changed notifications to which you are specifically interested in responding. |
3 | the map operator can be used to get into the object references included with the notification, in this case the .stringValue property of the text field that sent the notification, providing its updated value |
4 | The resulting string can be assigned using a writable KeyValue path. |
An example of subscribing to your own notifications:
let cancellable = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: .myExampleNotification, object: nil)
// can't use the object parameter to filter on a value reference, only class references, but
// filtering on 'nil' only constrains to notification name, so value objects *can* be passed
// in the notification itself.
.sink { receivedNotification in
print("passed through: ", receivedNotification)
// receivedNotification.name
// receivedNotification.object - object sending the notification (sometimes nil)
// receivedNotification.userInfo - often nil
SwiftUI Integration
Using ObservableObject with SwiftUI models as a publisher source
- Goal
SwiftUI includes @ObservedObject and the ObservableObject protocol, which provides a means of externalizing state for a SwiftUI view while alerting SwiftUI to the model changing.
- References
- See also
The SwiftUI example code:
- Code and explanation
SwiftUI views are declarative structures that are rendered based on some known state, being invalidated and updated when that state changes. We can use Combine to provide reactive updates to manipulate this state and expose it back to SwiftUI. The example provided here is a simple form entry input, with the goal of providing reactive and dynamic feedback based on the inputs to two fields.
The following rules are encoded into Combine pipelines: 1. the two fields need to be identical - as in entering a password or email address and then validating it by a second entry. 2. the value entered is required to be a minimum of 5 characters in length. 3. A button to submit is enabled or disabled based on the results of these rules.
This is accomplished with SwiftUI by externalizing the state into properties on a class and referencing that class into the model using the ObservableObject
Two properties are directly represented: firstEntry
and secondEntry
as Strings using the @Published property wrapper to allow SwiftUI to bind to their updates, as well as update them.
A third property submitAllowed
is exposed as a Combine publisher to be used within the view, which maintains the @State internally to the view.
A fourth property - an array of Strings called validationMessages
- is computed within the Combine pipelines from the first two properties, and also exposed to SwiftUI using the @Published property wrapper.
import Foundation
import Combine
class ReactiveFormModel : ObservableObject {
@Published var firstEntry: String = "" {
didSet {
firstEntryPublisher.send(self.firstEntry) (1)
private let firstEntryPublisher = CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>("") (2)
@Published var secondEntry: String = "" {
didSet {
private let secondEntryPublisher = CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>("")
@Published var validationMessages = [String]()
private var cancellableSet: Set<AnyCancellable> = []
var submitAllowed: AnyPublisher<Bool, Never>
init() {
let validationPipeline = Publishers.CombineLatest(firstEntryPublisher, secondEntryPublisher) (3)
.map { (arg) -> [String] in (4)
var diagMsgs = [String]()
let (value, value_repeat) = arg
if !(value_repeat == value) {
diagMsgs.append("Values for fields must match.")
if (value.count < 5 || value_repeat.count < 5) {
diagMsgs.append("Please enter values of at least 5 characters.")
return diagMsgs
submitAllowed = validationPipeline (5)
.map { stringArray in
return stringArray.count < 1
let _ = validationPipeline (6)
.assign(to: \.validationMessages, on: self)
.store(in: &cancellableSet)
1 | The firstEntry and secondEntry properties are both set with default values of an empty string. |
2 | These properties are then also mirrored with a currentValueSubject, which is updated using didSet from each of the @Published properties. This drives the combine pipelines defined below to trigger the reactive updates when the values are changed from the SwiftUI view. |
3 | combineLatest is used to merge updates from either of firstEntry or secondEntry so that updates will be triggered from either source. |
4 | map takes the input values and uses them to determine and publish a list of validating messages. This overall flow is the source for two follow on pipelines. |
5 | The first of the follow on pipelines uses the list of validation messages to determine a true or false Boolean publisher that is used to enable, or disable, the submit button. |
6 | The second of the follow on pipelines takes the validation messages and updates them locally on this ObservedObject reference for SwiftUI to watch and use as it sees fit. |
The two different methods of exposing state changes - as a publisher, or as external state, are presented as examples for how you can utilize either pattern.
The submit button enable/disable choice could be exposed as a @Published
property, and the validation messages could be exposed as a publisher of <String[], Never>
If the need involves tracking as explicit state, it is likely cleaner and less directly coupled by exposing @Published
properties - but either mechanism can be used.
The model above is coupled to a SwiftUI View declaration that uses the externalized state.
import SwiftUI
struct ReactiveForm: View {
@ObservedObject var model: ReactiveFormModel (1)
// $model is a ObservedObject<ExampleModel>.Wrapper
// and $model.objectWillChange is a Binding<ObservableObjectPublisher>
@State private var buttonIsDisabled = true (2)
// $buttonIsDisabled is a Binding<Bool>
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Reactive Form")
Form {
TextField("first entry", text: $model.firstEntry) (3)
TextField("second entry", text: $model.secondEntry)
VStack {
ForEach(model.validationMessages, id: \.self) { msg in (4)
Button(action: {}) {
.onReceive(model.submitAllowed) { submitAllowed in (5)
self.buttonIsDisabled = !submitAllowed
.background(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
.stroke(Color.blue, lineWidth: 1)
struct ReactiveForm_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
ReactiveForm(model: ReactiveFormModel())
1 | The model is exposed to SwiftUI using @ObservedObject . |
2 | @State buttonIsDisabled is declared locally to this view, with a default value of true . |
3 | The projected value from the property wrapper ($model.firstEntry and $model.secondEntry ) are used to pass a Binding to the TextField view element. The Binding will trigger updates back on the reference model when the user changes a value, and will let SwiftUI’s components know that changes are about to happen if the exposed model is changing. |
4 | The validation messages, which are generated and assigned within the model is invisible to SwiftUI here as a combine publisher pipeline. Instead this only reacts to the model changes being exposed by those values changing, irregardless of what mechanism changed them. |
5 | As an example of how to use a published with onReceive, an onReceive subscriber is used to listen to a publisher which is exposed from the model reference. In this case, we take the value and store is locally as @State within the SwiftUI view, but it could also be used after some transformation if that logic were more relevant to just the view display of the resulting values. In this case, we use it with disabled on Button to enable or disable that UI element based on the value stored in the @State . |
Testing and Debugging
The Publisher/Subscriber interface in Combine is beautifully suited to be an easily testable interface.
With the composability of Combine, you can use this to your advantage, creating APIs that present, or consume, code that conforms to Publisher.
With the publisher protocol as the key interface, you can replace either side to validate your code in isolation.
For example, if your code was focused on providing its data from external web services through Combine, you might make the interface to this conform to AnyPublisher<Data, Error>
You could then use that interface to test either side of that pipeline independently.
You can mock data responses that emulate the underlying API calls and possible responses, including various error conditions. This might include returning data from a publisher created with Just or Fail, or something more complex using Future. None of these options require you to make actual network interface calls.
Likewise you can isolate the testing of making the publisher do the API calls and verify the various success and failure conditions expected.
Testing a publisher with XCTestExpectation
- Goal
For testing a publisher (and any pipeline attached)
- References
- See also
- Code and explanation
When you are testing a publisher, or something that creates a publisher, you may not have the option of controlling when the publisher returns data for your tests. Combine, being driven by its subscribers, can set up a sync that initiates the data flow. You can use an XCTestExpectation to wait an explicit amount of time for the test to run to completion.
A general pattern for using this with Combine includes:
set up the expectation within the test
establish the code you are going to test
set up the code to be invoked such that on the success path you call the expectation’s
function -
set up a
function with an explicit timeout that will fail the test if the expectation isn’t fulfilled within that time window.
If you are testing the data results from a pipeline, then triggering the fulfill()
function within the sink operator receiveValue
closure can be very convenient.
If you are testing a failure condition from the pipeline, then often including fulfill()
within the sink operator receiveCompletion
closure is effective.
The following example shows testing a one-shot publisher (URLSession.dataTaskPublisher in this case) using expectation, and expecting the data to flow without an error.
func testDataTaskPublisher() {
// setup
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "Download from \(String(describing: testURL))") (1)
let remoteDataPublisher = URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: self.testURL!)
// validate
.sink(receiveCompletion: { fini in
print(".sink() received the completion", String(describing: fini))
switch fini {
case .finished: expectation.fulfill() (2)
case .failure: XCTFail() (3)
}, receiveValue: { (data, response) in
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse else {
XCTFail("Unable to parse response an HTTPURLResponse")
// print(".sink() data received \(data)")
XCTAssertEqual(httpResponse.statusCode, 200) (4)
// print(".sink() httpResponse received \(httpResponse)")
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 5.0) (5)
1 | The expectation is set up with a string that makes debugging in the event of failure a bit easier.
This string is really only seen when a test failure occurs.
The code we are testing here is dataTaskPublisher retrieving data from a preset test URL, defined earlier in the test.
The publisher is invoked by attaching the sink subscriber to it.
Without the expectation, the code will still run, but the test running structure wouldn’t wait to see if there were any exceptions.
The expectation within the test "holds the test" waiting for a response to let the operators do their work. |
2 | In this case, the test is expected to complete successfully and terminate normally, therefore the expectation.fulfill() invocation is set within the receiveCompletion closure, specifically linked to a received .finished completion. |
3 | Since we don’t expect a failure, we also have an explicit XCTFail() invocation if we receive a .failure completion. |
4 | We have a few additional assertions within the receiveValue. Since this publisher set returns a single value and then terminates, we can make inline assertions about the data received. If we received multiple values, then we could collect those and make assertions on what was received after the fact. |
5 | This test uses a single expectation, but you can include multiple independent expectations to require fulfillment. It also sets that maximum time that this test can run to five seconds. The test will not always take five seconds, as it will complete the test as soon as the fulfill is received. If for some reason the test takes longer than five seconds to respond, the XCTest will report a test failure. |
Testing a subscriber with a PassthroughSubject
- Goal
For testing a subscriber, or something that includes a subscriber, we can emulate the publishing source with PassthroughSubject to provide explicit control of what data gets sent and when.
- References
- See also
- Code and explanation
When you are testing a subscriber in isolation, you can get more fine-grained control of your tests by emulating the publisher with a passthroughSubject and using the associated
method to trigger updates.
This pattern relies on the subscriber setting up the initial part of the publisher-subscriber lifecycle upon construction, and leaving the code to stand waiting until data is provided.
With a PassthroughSubject
, sending the data to trigger the pipeline and subscriber closures, or following state changes that can be verified, is at the control of the test code itself.
This kind of testing pattern also works well when you are testing the response of the subscriber to a failure, which might otherwise terminate a subscription.
A general pattern for using this kind of test construct is:
Set up your subscriber and any pipeline leading to it that you want to include within the test.
Create a
in the test that produces an output type and failure type to match with your subscriber. -
Assert any initial values or preconditions.
Send the data through the subject.
Test the results of having sent the data - either directly or asserting on state changes that were expected.
Send additional data if desired.
Test further evolution of state or other changes.
An example of this pattern follows:
func testSinkReceiveDataThenError() {
// setup - preconditions (1)
let expectedValues = ["firstStringValue", "secondStringValue"]
enum TestFailureCondition: Error {
case anErrorExample
var countValuesReceived = 0
var countCompletionsReceived = 0
// setup
let simplePublisher = PassthroughSubject<String, Error>() (2)
let cancellable = simplePublisher (3)
.sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in
countCompletionsReceived += 1
switch completion { (4)
case .finished:
print(".sink() received the completion:", String(describing: completion))
// no associated data, but you can react to knowing the
// request has been completed
XCTFail("We should never receive the completion, the error should happen first")
case .failure(let anError):
// do what you want with the error details, presenting,
// logging, or hiding as appropriate
print("received the error: ", anError)
TestFailureCondition.anErrorExample.localizedDescription) (5)
}, receiveValue: { someValue in (6)
// do what you want with the resulting value passed down
// be aware that depending on the data type being returned,
// you may get this closure invoked multiple times.
countValuesReceived += 1
print(".sink() received \(someValue)")
// validate
XCTAssertEqual(countValuesReceived, 0) (7)
XCTAssertEqual(countCompletionsReceived, 0)
simplePublisher.send("firstStringValue") (8)
XCTAssertEqual(countValuesReceived, 1)
XCTAssertEqual(countCompletionsReceived, 0)
XCTAssertEqual(countValuesReceived, 2)
XCTAssertEqual(countCompletionsReceived, 0)
simplePublisher.send(completion: Subscribers.Completion.failure(TestFailureCondition.anErrorExample)) (9)
XCTAssertEqual(countValuesReceived, 2)
XCTAssertEqual(countCompletionsReceived, 1)
// this data will never be seen by anything in the pipeline above because
// we have already sent a completion
simplePublisher.send(completion: Subscribers.Completion.finished) (10)
XCTAssertEqual(countValuesReceived, 2)
XCTAssertEqual(countCompletionsReceived, 1)
1 | This test sets up some variables to capture and modify during test execution that we use to validate when and how the sink code operates. Additionally, we have an error defined here because it’s not coming from other code elsewhere. |
2 | The setup for this code uses the passthroughSubject to drive the test, but the code we are interested in testing is the subscriber. |
3 | The subscriber setup under test (in this case, a standard sink). We have code paths that trigger on receiving data and completions. |
4 | Within the completion path, we switch on the type of completion, adding an assertion that will fail the test if a finish is called, as we expect to only generate a .failure completion. |
5 | Testing error equality in Swift can be awkward, but if the error is code you are controlling, you can sometimes use the localizedDescription as a convenient way to test the type of error received. |
6 | The receiveValue closure is more complex in how it asserts against received values.
Since we are receiving multiple values in the process of this test, we have some additional logic to check that the values are within the set that we send.
Like the completion handler, We also increment test specific variables that we will assert on later to validate state and order of operation. |
7 | The count variables are validated as preconditions before we send any data to double check our assumptions. |
8 | In the test, the send() triggers the actions, and immediately after we can test the side effects through the test variables we are updating.
In your own code, you may not be able to (or want to) modify your subscriber, but you may be able to provide private/testable properties or windows into the objects to validate them in a similar fashion. |
9 | We also use send() to trigger a completion, in this case a failure completion. |
10 | And the final send() is validating the operation of the failure that just happened - that it was not processed, and no further state updates happened. |
Testing a subscriber with scheduled sends from PassthroughSubject
- Goal
For testing a pipeline, or subscriber, when what you want to test is the timing of the pipeline.
- References
- See also
- Code and explanation
There are a number of operators in Combine that are specific to the timing of data, including debounce, throttle, and delay. You may want to test that your pipeline timing is having the desired impact, independently of doing UI testing.
One way of handling this leverages the both XCTestExpectation and a passthroughSubject, combining the two.
Building on both Testing a publisher with XCTestExpectation and Testing a subscriber with a PassthroughSubject, add DispatchQueue in the test to schedule invocations of PassthroughSubject’s .send()
An example of this:
func testKVOPublisher() {
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: self.debugDescription)
let foo = KVOAbleNSObject()
let q = DispatchQueue(label: self.debugDescription) (1)
let _ = foo.publisher(for: \.intValue)
.sink { someValue in
print("value of intValue updated to: >>\(someValue)<<")
q.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5, execute: { (2)
print("Updating to foo.intValue on background queue")
foo.intValue = 5
expectation.fulfill() (3)
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 5.0) (4)
1 | This adds a DispatchQueue to your test, naming the queue after the test itself.
This really only shows when debugging test failures, and is convenient as a reminder of what is happening in the test code vs. any other background queues that might be in use. |
2 | .asyncAfter is used along with the deadline parameter to define when a call gets made. |
3 | The simplest form embeds any relevant assertions into the subscriber or around the subscriber. Additionally, invoking the .fulfill() on your expectation as the last queued entry you send lets the test know that it is now complete. |
4 | Make sure that when you set up the wait that allow for sufficient time for your queue’d calls to be invoked. |
A definite downside to this technique is that it forces the test to take a minimum amount of time matching the maximum queue delay in the test.
Another option is a 3rd party library named EntwineTest, which was inspired by the RxTest library. EntwineTest is part of Entwine, a Swift library that expands on Combine with some helpers. The library can be found on Github at https://github.com/tcldr/Entwine.git, available under the MIT license.
One of the key elements included in EntwineTest is a virtual time scheduler, as well as additional classes that schedule (TestablePublisher
) and collect and record (TestableSubscriber
) the timing of results while using this scheduler.
An example of this from the EntwineTest project README is included:
func testExampleUsingVirtualTimeScheduler() {
let scheduler = TestScheduler(initialClock: 0) (1)
var didSink = false
let cancellable = Just(1) (2)
.delay(for: 1, scheduler: scheduler)
.sink { _ in
didSink = true
// where a real scheduler would have triggered when .sink() was invoked
// the virtual time scheduler requires resume() to commence and runs to
// completion.
scheduler.resume() (3)
XCTAssertTrue(didSink) (4)
1 | Using the virtual time scheduler requires you create one at the start of the test, initializing its clock to a starting value.
The virtual time scheduler in EntwineTest will commence subscription at the value 200 and times out at 900 if the pipeline isn’t complete by that time. |
2 | You create your pipeline, along with any publishers or subscribers, as normal. EntwineTest also offers a testable publisher and a testable subscriber that could be used as well. For more details on these parts of EntwineTest, see Using EntwineTest to create a testable publisher and subscriber. |
3 | .resume() needs to be invoked on the virtual time scheduler to commence its operation and run the pipeline. |
4 | Assert against expected end results after the pipeline has run to completion. |
Using EntwineTest to create a testable publisher and subscriber
- Goal
For testing a pipeline, or subscriber, when what you want to test is the timing of the pipeline.
- References
- See also
- Code and explanation
The EntwineTest library, available from GitHub at https://github.com/tcldr/Entwine.git, provides some additional options for making your pipelines testable. In addition to a virtual time scheduler, EntwineTest has a
and aTestableSubscriber
. These work in coordination with the virtual time scheduler to allow you to specify the timing of the publisher generating data, and to valid the data received by the subscriber.
As of Xcode 11.2, there is a bug with SwiftPM that impacts the use of Entwine as a testing library. The details can be found at SR-11564 in Swift’s open source bug reporting. The workaround, which you may need to apply if using Xcode 11.2, is to set the project setting |
An example of this from the EntwineTest project is included:
import XCTest
import EntwineTest
// library loaded from
// https://github.com/tcldr/Entwine/blob/master/Assets/EntwineTest/README.md
// as a Swift package https://github.com/tcldr/Entwine.git : 0.6.0,
// Next Major Version
class EntwineTestExampleTests: XCTestCase {
func testMap() {
let testScheduler = TestScheduler(initialClock: 0)
// creates a publisher that will schedule its elements relatively
// at the point of subscription
let testablePublisher: TestablePublisher<String, Never> = testScheduler.createRelativeTestablePublisher([ (1)
(100, .input("a")),
(200, .input("b")),
(300, .input("c")),
// a publisher that maps strings to uppercase
let subjectUnderTest = testablePublisher.map { $0.uppercased() }
// uses the method described above (schedules a subscription at 200
// to be cancelled at 900)
let results = testScheduler.start { subjectUnderTest } (2)
XCTAssertEqual(results.recordedOutput, [ (3)
(200, .subscription),
// subscribed at 200
(300, .input("A")),
// received uppercased input @ 100 + subscription time
(400, .input("B")),
// received uppercased input @ 200 + subscription time
(500, .input("C")),
// received uppercased input @ 300 + subscription time
1 | The TestablePublisher lets you set up a publisher that returns specific values at specific times.
In this case, it’s returning 3 items at consistent intervals. |
2 | When you use the virtual time scheduler, it is important to make sure to invoke it with start. This runs the virtual time scheduler, which can run faster than a clock since it only needs to increment the virtual time and not wait for elapsed time. |
3 | results is a TestableSubscriber object, and includes a recordedOutput property which provides an ordered list of all the data and combine control path interactions with their timing. |
If this test sequence had been done with asyncAfter, then the test would have taken a minimum of 500ms to complete. When I ran this test on my laptop, it was recording 0.0121 seconds to complete the test (12.1ms).
A side effect of EntwineTest is that tests using the virtual time scheduler can run much faster than a real time clock. The same tests being created using real time scheduling mechanisms to delay data sending values can take significantly longer to complete. |
Debugging pipelines with the print operator
- Goal
To gain understanding of what is happening in a pipeline, seeing all control and data interactions.
- References
The ViewController with this code is in the github project at UIKit-Combine/GithubViewController.swift
The retry unit tests in the github project at UsingCombineTests/RetryPublisherTests.swift
- See also
- Code and explanation
I have found the greatest detail of information comes from selectively using the print operator. The downside is that it prints quite a lot of information, so the output can quickly become overwhelming. For understanding a simple pipeline, using the
as an operator without any parameters is very straightforward. As soon as you want to add more than one print operator, you will likely want to use the string parameter, which is puts in as a prefix to the output.
The example Cascading UI updates including a network request uses it in several places, with long descriptive prefixes to make it clear which pipeline is providing the information.
The two pipelines cascade together by connecting through a private published variable - the github user data. The two relevant pipelines from that example code:
usernameSubscriber = $username
.throttle(for: 0.5, scheduler: myBackgroundQueue, latest: true)
// ^^ scheduler myBackGroundQueue publishes resulting elements
// into that queue, resulting on this processing moving off the
// main runloop.
.print("username pipeline: ") // debugging output for pipeline
.map { username -> AnyPublisher<[GithubAPIUser], Never> in
return GithubAPI.retrieveGithubUser(username: username)
// ^^ type returned in the pipeline is a Publisher, so we use
// switchToLatest to flatten the values out of that
// pipeline to return down the chain, rather than returning a
// publisher down the pipeline.
// using a sink to get the results from the API search lets us
// get not only the user, but also any errors attempting to get it.
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.assign(to: \.githubUserData, on: self)
// using .assign() on the other hand (which returns an
// AnyCancellable) *DOES* require a Failure type of <Never>
repositoryCountSubscriber = $githubUserData
.print("github user data: ")
.map { userData -> String in
if let firstUser = userData.first {
return String(firstUser.public_repos)
return "unknown"
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.assign(to: \.text, on: repositoryCountLabel)
When you run the UIKit-Combine example code, the terminal shows the following output as I slowly enter the username heckj
In the course of doing these lookups, two other github accounts are found and retrieved (hec
and heck
) before the final one.
username pipeline: : receive subscription: (RemoveDuplicates)
username pipeline: : request unlimited
github user data: : receive subscription: (CurrentValueSubject)
github user data: : request unlimited
github user data: : receive value: ([])
username pipeline: : receive value: ()
github user data: : receive value: ([])
Set username to h
username pipeline: : receive value: (h)
github user data: : receive value: ([])
Set username to he
username pipeline: : receive value: (he)
github user data: : receive value: ([])
Set username to hec
username pipeline: : receive value: (hec)
Set username to heck
github user data: : receive value: ([UIKit_Combine.GithubAPIUser(login: "hec", public_repos: 3, avatar_url: "https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/53656?v=4")])
username pipeline: : receive value: (heck)
github user data: : receive value: ([UIKit_Combine.GithubAPIUser(login: "heck", public_repos: 6, avatar_url: "https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/138508?v=4")])
Set username to heckj
username pipeline: : receive value: (heckj)
github user data: : receive value: ([UIKit_Combine.GithubAPIUser(login: "heckj", public_repos: 69, avatar_url: "https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/43388?v=4")])
Some of the extraneous print statements placed in sink closures to see final results have been removed.
You see the initial subscription setup at the very beginning, and then notifications, including the debug representation of the value passed through the print
Although it is not shown in the example content above, you will also see cancellations when an error occurs, or completions when they emit from a publisher reporting no further data is available.
It can also be beneficial to use a print
operator on either side of an operator to understand how it is operating.
An example of doing this, leveraging the prefix to show the retry operator and how it works:
func testRetryWithOneShotFailPublisher() {
// setup
let cancellable = Fail(outputType: String.self, failure: TestFailureCondition.invalidServerResponse)
.print("(1)>") (1)
.print("(2)>") (2)
.sink(receiveCompletion: { fini in
print(" ** .sink() received the completion:", String(describing: fini))
}, receiveValue: { stringValue in
print(" ** .sink() received \(stringValue)")
1 | The (1) prefix is to show the interactions above the retry operator |
2 | The (2) prefix shows the interactions after the retry operator |
Test Suite 'Selected tests' started at 2019-07-26 15:59:48.042
Test Suite 'UsingCombineTests.xctest' started at 2019-07-26 15:59:48.043
Test Suite 'RetryPublisherTests' started at 2019-07-26 15:59:48.043
Test Case '-[UsingCombineTests.RetryPublisherTests testRetryWithOneShotFailPublisher]' started.
(1)>: receive subscription: (Empty) (1)
(1)>: receive error: (invalidServerResponse)
(1)>: receive subscription: (Empty)
(1)>: receive error: (invalidServerResponse)
(1)>: receive subscription: (Empty)
(1)>: receive error: (invalidServerResponse)
(1)>: receive subscription: (Empty)
(1)>: receive error: (invalidServerResponse)
(2)>: receive error: (invalidServerResponse) (2)
** .sink() received the completion: failure(UsingCombineTests.RetryPublisherTests.TestFailureCondition.invalidServerResponse)
(2)>: receive subscription: (Retry)
(2)>: request unlimited
(2)>: receive cancel
Test Case '-[UsingCombineTests.RetryPublisherTests testRetryWithOneShotFailPublisher]' passed (0.010 seconds).
Test Suite 'RetryPublisherTests' passed at 2019-07-26 15:59:48.054.
Executed 1 test, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.010 (0.011) seconds
Test Suite 'UsingCombineTests.xctest' passed at 2019-07-26 15:59:48.054.
Executed 1 test, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.010 (0.011) seconds
Test Suite 'Selected tests' passed at 2019-07-26 15:59:48.057.
Executed 1 test, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.010 (0.015) seconds
1 | In the test sample, the publisher always reports a failure, resulting in seeing the prefix (1) receiving the error, and then the resubscription from the retry operator. |
2 | And after 4 of those attempts (3 "retries"), then you see the error falling through the pipeline.
After the error hits the sink, you see the cancel signal propagated back up, which stops at the retry operator. |
While very effective, the print
operator can be a blunt tool, generating a lot of output that you have to parse and review.
If you want to be more selective with what you identify and print, or if you need to process the data passing through for it to be used more meaningfully, then you look at the handleEvents operator.
More detail on how to use this operator for debugging is in Debugging pipelines with the handleEvents operator.
Debugging pipelines with the handleEvents operator
- Goal
To get more targeted understanding of what is happening within a pipeline, employing breakpoints, print or logging statements, or additional logic.
- References
A ViewController using handleEvents is in the github project at UIKit-Combine/GithubViewController.swift
The handleEvents unit tests in the github project at UsingCombineTests/HandleEventsPublisherTests.swift
- See also
- Code and explanation
handleEvents passes data through, making no modifications to the output and failure types, or the data. When you put in the operator, you can specify a number of optional closures, allowing you to focus on the aspect of what you want to see. The handleEvents operator with specific closures can be a great way to get a window to see what is happening when a pipeline is cancelling, erroring, or otherwise terminating expectedly.
The closures you can provide include:
If the closures each included a print statement, this operator would be acting very much like the print operator, as detailed in Debugging pipelines with the print operator.
The power of handleEvents for debugging is in selecting what you want to view, reducing the amount of output, or manipulating the data to get a better understanding of it.
In the example viewcontroller at UIKit-Combine/GithubViewController.swift, the subscription, cancellation, and completion handlers are used to provide a side effect of starting, or stopping, an activity indicator.
If you only wanted to see the data being passed on the pipeline, and didn’t care about the control messages, then providing a single closure for receiveOutput and ignoring the other closures can let you focus on just that detail.
The unit test example showing handleEvents has all options active with comments:
.handleEvents(receiveSubscription: { aValue in
print("receiveSubscription event called with \(String(describing: aValue))") (2)
}, receiveOutput: { aValue in (3)
print("receiveOutput was invoked with \(String(describing: aValue))")
}, receiveCompletion: { aValue in (4)
print("receiveCompletion event called with \(String(describing: aValue))")
}, receiveCancel: { (5)
print("receiveCancel event invoked")
}, receiveRequest: { aValue in (1)
print("receiveRequest event called with \(String(describing: aValue))")
1 | The first closure called is receiveRequest , which will have the demand value passed into it. |
2 | The second closure receiveSubscription is commonly the returning subscription from the publisher, which passes in a reference to the publisher.
At this point, the pipeline is operational, and the publisher will provide data based on the amount of data requested in the original request. |
3 | This data is passed into receiveOutput as the publisher makes it available, invoking the closure for each value passed.
This will repeat for as many values as the publisher sends. |
4 | If the pipeline is closed - either normally or terminated due to a failure - the receiveCompletion closure will get the completion.
Just the like the sink closure, you can switch on the completion provided, and if it is a .failure completion, then you can inspect the enclosed error. |
5 | If the pipeline is cancelled, then the receiveCancel closure will be called.
No data is passed into the cancellation closure. |
While you can also use breakpoint and breakpointOnError operators to break into a debugger (as shown in Debugging pipelines with the debugger), the |
Debugging pipelines with the debugger
- Goal
To force the pipeline to trap into a debugger on specific scenarios or conditions.
- References
- See also
- Code and explanation
You can set a breakpoint within any closure to any operator within a pipeline, triggering the debugger to activate to inspect the data. Since the map operator is frequently used for simple output type conversions, it is often an excellent candidate that has a closure you can use. If you want to see into the control messages, then a breakpoint within any of the closures provided to handleEvents makes a very convenient target.
You can also use the breakpoint operator to trigger the debugger, which can be a very quick and convenient way to see what is happening in a pipeline. The breakpoint operator acts very much like handleEvents, taking a number of optional parameters, closures that are expected to return a boolean, and if true will invoke the debugger.
The optional closures include:
.breakpoint(receiveSubscription: { subscription in
return false // return true to throw SIGTRAP and invoke the debugger
}, receiveOutput: { value in
return false // return true to throw SIGTRAP and invoke the debugger
}, receiveCompletion: { completion in
return false // return true to throw SIGTRAP and invoke the debugger
This allows you to provide logic to evaluate the data being passed through, and only triggering a breakpoint when your specific conditions are met. With very active pipelines processing a lot of data, this can be a great tool to be more surgical in getting the debugger active when you need it, and letting the other data move on by.
If you are only interested in the breaking into the debugger on error conditions, then convenience operator breakPointOnError is perfect. It takes no parameters or closures, simply invoking the debugger when an error condition of any form is passed through the pipeline.
The location of the breakpoint that is triggered by the breakpoint operator isn’t in your code, so getting to local frames and information can be a bit tricky.
This does allow you to inspect global application state in highly specific instances (whenever the closure returns When you trigger a breakpoint within an operator’s closure, the debugger immediately gets the context of that closure as well, so you can see/inspect the data being passed. |
The reference section of this book is intended to link to, reference, and expand on Apple’s Combine documentation.
For general information about publishers see Publishers and Lifecycle of Publishers and Subscribers.
- Summary
is initialized with a closure that eventually resolves to a single output value or failure completion. - docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
is a publisher that lets you combine in any asynchronous call and use that call to generate a value or a completion as a publisher. It is ideal for when you want to make a single request, or get a single response, where the API you are using has a completion handler closure.
The obvious example that everyone immediately thinks about is URLSession
Fortunately, URLSession.dataTaskPublisher exists to make a call with a URLSession
and return a publisher.
If you already have an API object that wraps the direct calls to URLSession
, then making a single request using Future
can be a great way to integrate the result into a Combine pipeline.
There are a number of APIs in the Apple frameworks that use a completion closure.
An example of one is requesting permission to access the contacts store in Contacts.
An example of wrapping that request for access into a publisher using Future
might be:
import Contacts
let futureAsyncPublisher = Future<Bool, Error> { promise in (1)
CNContactStore().requestAccess(for: .contacts) { grantedAccess, err in (2)
// err is an optional
if let err = err { (3)
return promise(.success(grantedAccess)) (4)
1 | Future itself has you define the return types and takes a closure.
It hands in a Result object matching the type description, which you interact. |
2 | You can invoke the async API however is relevant, including passing in its required closure. |
3 | Within the completion handler, you determine what would cause a failure or a success.
A call to promise(.failure(<FailureType>)) returns the failure. |
4 | Or a call to promise(.success(<OutputType>)) returns a value. |
If you want to wrap an async API that could return many values over time, you should not use Future
directly, as it only returns a single value.
Instead, you should consider creating your own publisher based on passthroughSubject or currentValueSubject, or wrapping the Future
publisher with Deferred.
Future creates and invokes its closure to do the asynchronous request at the time of creation, not when the publisher receives a demand request.
This can be counter-intuitive, as many other publishers invoke their closures when they receive demand.
This also means that you can’t directly link a Future publisher to an operator like The The failure of the The |
If you are wanting repeated requests to a Future
(for example, wanting to use a retry operator to retry failed requests), wrap the Future publisher with Deferred
let deferredPublisher = Deferred { (1)
return Future<Bool, Error> { promise in (2)
self.asyncAPICall(sabotage: false) { (grantedAccess, err) in
if let err = err {
return promise(.failure(err))
return promise(.success(grantedAccess))
1 | The closure provided in to Deferred will be invoked as demand requests come to the publisher. |
2 | This in turn resolves the underlying api call to generate the result as a Promise, with internal closures to resolve the promise. |
- Summary
never publishes any values, and optionally finishes immediately. - docs
- Usage
Using catch to handle errors in a one-shot pipeline shows an example of using
to handle errors with a one-shot publisher. -
Using flatMap with catch to handle errors shows an example of using
to handle errors with a continual publisher. -
The unit tests at
- Details
is useful in error handling scenarios where the value is an optional, or where you want to resolve an error by simply not sending anything. Empty can be invoked to be a publisher of any output and failure type combination.
is most commonly used where you need to return a publisher, but don’t want to propagate any values (a possible error handling scenario).
If you want a publisher that provides a single value, then look at Just or Deferred publishers as alternatives.
When subscribed to, an instance of the Empty
publisher will not return any values (or errors) and will immediately return a finished completion message to the subscriber.
An example of using Empty
let myEmptyPublisher = Empty<String, Never>() (1)
1 | Because the types are not be able to be inferred, expect to define the types you want to return. |
- Summary
immediately terminates publishing with the specified failure. - docs
- Usage
The unit tests at
- Details
is commonly used when implementing an API that returns a publisher. In the case where you want to return an immediate failure, Fail provides a publisher that immediately triggers a failure on subscription. One way this might be used is to provide a failure response when invalid parameters are passed. The Fail publisher lets you generate a publisher of the correct type that provides a failure completion when demand is requested.
Initializing a Fail
publisher can be done two ways: with the type notation specifying the output and failure types or with the types implied by handing parameters to the initializer.
For example:
Initializing Fail
by specifying the types
let cancellable = Fail<String, Error>(error: TestFailureCondition.exampleFailure)
Initializing Fail
by providing types as parameters:
let cancellable = Fail(outputType: String.self, failure: TestFailureCondition.exampleFailure)
- Summary
publishes a provided sequence of elements, most often used through convenience initializers. - docs
- Usage
The unit tests at
- Details
provides a way to return values as subscribers demand them initialized from a collection. Formally, it provides elements from any type conforming to the sequence protocol.
If a subscriber requests unlimited demand, all elements will be sent, and then a .finished
completion will terminate the output.
If the subscribe requests a single element at a time, then individual elements will be returned based on demand.
If the type within the sequence is denoted as optional
, and a nil value is included within the sequence, that will be sent as an instance of the optional type.
Combine provides an extension onto the Sequence
protocol so that anything that corresponds to it can act as a sequence publisher.
It does so by making a .publisher
property available, which implicitly creates a Publishers.Sequence publisher.
let initialSequence = ["one", "two", "red", "blue"]
_ = initialSequence.publisher
.sink {
- Summary
A publisher that allows for recording a series of inputs and a completion, for later playback to each subscriber.
- docs
- Usage
is illustrated in the unit testsUsingCombineTests/RecordPublisherTests.swift
- Details
allows you to create a publisher with pre-recorded values for repeated playback.Record
acts very similarly to Publishers.Sequence if you want to publish a sequence of values and then send a.finished
completion. It goes beyond that allowing you to specify a.failure
completion to be sent from the recording.Record
does not allow you to control the timing of the values being returned, only the order and the eventual completion following them.
can also be serialized (encoded and decoded) as long as the output and failure values can be serialized as well.
An example of a simple recording that sends several string values and then a .finished completion
// creates a recording
let recordedPublisher = Record<String, Never> { example in
// example : type is Record<String, Never>.Recording
example.receive(completion: .finished)
The resulting instance can be used as a publisher immediately:
let cancellable = recordedPublisher.sink(receiveCompletion: { err in
print(".sink() received the completion: ", String(describing: err))
}, receiveValue: { value in
print(".sink() received value: ", value)
also has a property recording
that can be inspected, with its own properties of output and completion.
and recording
do not conform to Equatable
, so can’t be easily compared within tests.
It is fairly easy to compare the properties of output
or completion
, which are Equatable
if the underlying contents (output type and failure type) are equatable.
No convenience methods exist for creating a recording as a subscriber.
You can use the |
- Summary
publisher waits for a subscriber before running the provided closure to create values for the subscriber. - docs
- Usage
The unit tests at
The unit tests at
- Details
is useful when creating an API to return a publisher, where creating the publisher is an expensive effort, either computationally or in the time it takes to set up.Deferred
holds off on setting up any publisher data structures until a subscription is requested. This provides a means of deferring the setup of the publisher until it is actually needed.
The Deferred
publisher is particularly useful with Future, which does not wait on demand to start the resolution of underlying (wrapped) asynchronous APIs.
- Summary
Creates a or converts a publisher to one that explicitly conforms to the
protocol. - Constraints on connected publisher
The failure type of the publisher must be
- docs
- Usage
is illustrated in the unit testsUsingCombineTests/MulticastSharePublisherTests.swift
- Details
A connectable publisher has an explicit mechanism for enabling when a subscription and the flow of demand from subscribers will be allowed to the publisher. By conforming to the
protocol, a publisher will have two additional methods exposed for this control:connect
. Both of these methods return aCancellable
(similar to sink or assign).
When using connect
, the receipt of subscription will be under imperative control.
Normally when a subscriber is linked to a publisher, the connection is made automatically, subscriptions get sent, and demand gets negotiated per the Lifecycle of Publishers and Subscribers.
With a connectable publisher, in addition to setting up the subscription connect()
needs to be explicitly invoked.
Until connect()
is invoked, the subscription won’t be received by the publisher.
var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
let publisher = Just("woot")
publisher.sink { value in
print("Value received in sink: ", value)
.store(in: &cancellables)
The above code will not activate the subscription, and in turn show any results.
In order to enable the subscription, an explicit connect()
is required:
.store(in: &cancellables)
One of the primary uses of having a connectable publisher is to coordinate the timing of connecting multiple subscribers with multicast.
Because multicast only shares existing events and does not replay anything, a subscription joining late could miss some data.
By explicitly enabling the connect()
, all subscribers can be attached before any upstream processing begins.
In comparison, autoconnect()
makes a Connectable
publisher act like a non-connectable one.
When you enabled autoconnect()
on a Connectable
publisher, it will automate the connection such that the first subscription will activate upstream publishers.
var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
let publisher = Just("woot")
.makeConnectable() (1)
.autoconnect() (2)
publisher.sink { value in
print("Value received in sink: ", value)
.store(in: &cancellables)
1 | makeConnectable wraps an existing publisher and makes it explicitly connectable. |
2 | autoconnect automates the process of establishing the connection for you; The first subscriber will establish the connection, subscriptions will be forwards and demand negotiated. |
Making a publisher connectable and then immediately enabling |
The SwiftUI framework is based upon displaying views from explicit state; as the state changes, the view updates.
SwiftUI uses a variety of property wrappers within its Views to reference and display content from outside of those views.
, @EnvironmentObject
, and @Published
are the most common that relate to Combine.
SwiftUI uses these property wrappers to create a publisher that will inform SwiftUI when those models have changed, creating a objectWillChange publisher.
Having an object conform to ObservableObject will also get a default objectWillChange
SwiftUI uses ObservableObject, which has a default concrete class implementation called ObservableObjectPublisher
that exposes a publisher for reference objects (classes) marked with @ObservedObject
SwiftUI does this primarily by tracking the state and changes to the state using the SwiftUI struct Binding
A binding is not a Combine pipeline, or even usable as one.
A Binding
is based on closures that are used when you get or set data through the binding.
When creating a Binding
, you can specify the closures, or use the defaults, which handles the needs of SwiftUI elements to react when data is set or request data when a view requires it.
There are a number of SwiftUI property wrappers that create bindings:
: creates a binding to a local view property, and is intended to be used only in one view
when you create:
@State private var exampleString = ""
then: exampleString
is the state itself and the property wrapper creates $exampleString
(also known as property wrapper’s projected value) which is of type Binding<String>
: is used to reference an externally provided binding that the view wants to use to present itself. You will see there upon occasion when a view is expected to be component, and it is watching for its relevant state data from an enclosing view. -
: make state visible and usable across a set of views.@EnvironmentObject
is used to inject your own objects or state models into the environment, making them available to be used by any of the views within the current view hierarchy.
The exception to |
is used to expose environmental information already available from within the frameworks, for example:
@Environment(\.horizontalSizeClass) var horizontalSizeClass
SwiftUI and Combine
All of this detail on Binding is important to how SwiftUI works, but irrelevant to Combine - Bindings are not combine pipelines or structures, and the classes and structs that SwiftUI uses are directly transformable from Combine publishers or subscribers.
SwiftUI does, however, use combine in coordination with Bindings.
Combine fits in to SwiftUI when the state has been externalized into a reference to a model object, most often using the property wrappers @ObservedObject
to reference a class conforming to the ObservableObject
The core of the ObservableObject
protocol is a combine publisher objectWillChange
, which is used by the SwiftUI framework to know when it needs to invalidate a view based on a model changing.
The objectWillChange
publisher only provides an indicator that something has changed on the model, not which property, or what changed about it.
The author of the model class can "opt-in" properties into triggering that change using the @Published
property wrapper.
If a model has properties that aren’t wrapped with @Published
, then the automatic objectWillChange
notification won’t get triggered when those values are modified.
Typically the model properties will be referenced directly within the View elements.
When the view is invalidated by a value being published through the objectWillChange
publisher, the SwiftUI View will request the data it needs, as it needs it, directly from the various model references.
The other way that Combine fits into SwiftUI is the method onReceive, which is a generic instance method on SwiftUI views.
onReceive can be used when a view needs to be updated based on some external event that isn’t directly reflected in a model’s state being updated.
While there is no explicit guidance from Apple on how to use onReceive
vs. models, as a general guideline it will be a cleaner pattern to update the model using Combine, keeping the combine publishers and pipelines external to SwiftUI views.
In this mode, you would generally let the @ObservedObject
SwiftUI declaration automatically invalidate and update the view, which separates the model updating from the presentation of the view itself.
The alternative ends up having the view bound fairly tightly to the combine publishers providing asynchronous updates, rather than a coherent view of the end state.
There are still some edge cases and needs where you want to trigger a view update directly from a publishers output, and that is where onReceive
is most effectively used.
- Summary
Used with SwiftUI, objects conforming to ObservableObject protocol can provide a publisher.
- docs
- Usage
The unit tests at
- Details
When a class includes a Published property and conforms to the ObservableObject protocol, this class instances will get a
publisher endpoint providing this publisher. TheobjectWillChange
publisher will not return any of the changed data, only an indicator that the referenced object has changed.
The output type of ObservableObject.Output
is type aliased to Void, so while it is not nil, it will not provide any meaningful data.
Because the output type does not include what changes on the referenced object, the best method for responding to changes is probably best done using sink.
In practice, this method is most frequently used by the SwiftUI framework.
SwiftUI views use the @ObservedObject
property wrapper to know when to invalidate and refresh views that reference classes implementing ObservableObject.
Classes implementing ObservableObject
are also expected to use @Published to provide notifications of changes on specific properties, or to optionally provide a custom announcement that indicates the object has changed.
It can also be used locally to watch for updates to a reference-type model.
- Summary
A property wrapper that adds a Combine publisher to any property
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using Published:
- Details
is part of Combine, but allows you to wrap a property, enabling you to get a publisher that triggers data updates whenever the property is changed. The publisher’s output type is inferred from the type of the property, and the error type of the provided publisher is<Never>
A smaller examples of how it can be used:
@Published var username: String = "" (1)
$username (2)
.sink { someString in
print("value of username updated to: ", someString)
$username (3)
.assign(\.text, on: myLabel)
@Published private var githubUserData: [GithubAPIUser] = [] (4)
1 | @Published wraps the property, username, and will generate events whenever the property is changed.
If there is a subscriber at initialization time, the subscriber will also receive the initial value being set.
The publisher for the property is available at the same scope, and with the same permissions, as the property itself. |
2 | The publisher is accessible as $username , of type Published<String>.publisher . |
3 | A Published property can have more than one subscriber pipeline triggering from it. |
4 | If you are publishing your own type, you may find it convenient to publish an array of that type as the property, even if you only reference a single value. This allows you represent an "Empty" result that is still a concrete result within Combine pipelines, as assign and sink subscribers will only trigger updates on non-nil values. |
If the publisher generated from @Published
receives a cancellation from any subscriber, it is expected to, and will cease, reporting property changes.
Because of this expectation, it is common to arrange pipelines from these publishers that have an error type of <Never>
and do all error handling within the pipelines.
For example, if a sink subscriber is set up to capture errors from a pipeline originating from a` @Published` property, when the error is received, the sink will send a cancel
message, causing the publisher to cease generating any updates on change.
This is illustrated in the test testPublishedSinkWithError
at UsingCombineTests/PublisherTests.swift
Additional examples of how to arrange error handling for a continuous publisher like @Published
can be found at Using flatMap with catch to handle errors.
- Summary
Foundation’s NotificationCenter added the capability to act as a publisher, providing Notifications to pipelines.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
- Details
AppKit and MacOS applications have heavily relied on Notifications to provide general application state information. A number of components also use Notifications through NotificationCenter to provide updates on user interactions, such as
NotificationCenter provides a publisher upon which you may create pipelines to declaratively react to application or system notifications. The publisher optionally takes an object reference which further filters notifications to those provided by the specific reference.
Notifications are identified primarily by name, defined by a string in your own code, or a constant from a relevant framework. You can find a good general list of existing Notifications by name at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsnotification/name. A number of specific notifications are often included within cocoa frameworks. For example, within AppKit, there are a number of common notifications under NSControl.
A number of AppKit controls provide notifications when the control has been updated. For example, AppKit’s TextField triggers a number of notifications including:
extension Notification.Name {
static let yourNotification = Notification.Name("your-notification") (1)
let cancellable = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: .yourNotification, object: nil) (2)
.sink {
print ($0) (3)
1 | Notifications are defined by a string for their name. If defining your own, be careful to define the strings uniquely. |
2 | A NotificationCenter publisher can be created for a single type of notification, .yourNotification in this case, defined previously in your code. |
3 | Notifications are received from the publisher.
These include at least their name, and optionally a object reference from the sending object - most commonly provided from Apple frameworks.
Notifications may also include a userInfo dictionary of arbitrary values, which can be used to pass additional information within your application. |
- Summary
added the capability to act as a publisher, providing a publisher to repeatedly send values to pipelines based on aTimer
instance. - Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
The unit tests at
- Details
returns an instance ofTimer.TimerPublisher
. This publisher is a connectable publisher, conforming toConnectablePublisher
. This means that even when subscribers are connected to it, it will not start producing values untilconnect()
is invoked on the publisher.
Creating the timer publisher requires an interval in seconds, and a RunLoop and mode upon which to run.
The publisher may optionally take an additional parameter tolerance
, which defines a variance allowed in the generation of timed events.
The default for tolerance is nil, allowing any variance.
The publisher has an output type of Date and a failure type of <Never>
If you want the publisher to automatically connect and start receiving values as soon as subscribers are connected and make requests for values, then you may include autoconnect()
in the pipeline to have it automatically start to generate values as soon as a subscriber requests data.
let cancellable = Timer.publish(every: 1.0, on: RunLoop.main, in: .common)
.sink { receivedTimeStamp in
print("passed through: ", receivedTimeStamp)
Alternatively, you can connect up the subscribers, which will receive no values until you invoke connect()
on the publisher, which also returns a Cancellable reference.
let timerPublisher = Timer.publish(every: 1.0, on: RunLoop.main, in: .default)
let cancellableSink = timerPublisher
.sink { receivedTimeStamp in
print("passed through: ", receivedTimeStamp)
// no values until the following is invoked elsewhere/later:
let cancellablePublisher = timerPublisher.connect()
publisher from a KeyValueObserving instance
- Summary
Foundation added the ability to get a publisher on any
that can be watched with Key Value Observing. - docs
- Usage
The unit tests at
- Details
Any key-value-observing instance can produce a publisher. To create this publisher, you call the function
on the object, providing it with a single (required) KeyPath value.
For example:
private final class KVOAbleNSObject: NSObject {
@objc dynamic var intValue: Int = 0
@objc dynamic var boolValue: Bool = false
let foo = KVOAbleNSObject()
let _ = foo.publisher(for: \.intValue)
.sink { someValue in
print("value updated to: >>\(someValue)<<")
KVO publisher access implies that with macOS 10.15 release or iOS 13, most of Appkit and UIKit interface instances will be accessible as publishers. Relying on the interface element’s state to trigger updates into pipelines can lead to your state being very tightly bound to the interface elements, rather than your model. You may be better served by explicitly creating your own state to react to from a @Published property wrapper. |
- Summary
has a publisher specifically for requesting data from URLs:dataTaskPublisher
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
- Details
, on URLSession, has two variants for creating a publisher. The first takes an instance of URL, the second URLRequest. The data returned from the publisher is a tuple of(data: Data, response: URLResponse)
let request = URLRequest(url: regularURL)
return URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: request)
- Summary
Foundation also adds
as a publisher. - Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
is illustrated in the unit testsUsingCombineTests/MulticastSharePublisherTests.swift
- Details
Combine augments
from the swift standard library with a.publisher
property, returning a publisher with an output type ofSuccess
and a failure type ofFailure
, defined by theResult
Any method that returns an instance of Result
can use this property to get a publisher that will provide the resulting value and followed by a .finished
completion, or a .failure
completion with the relevant Error
The chapter on Core Concepts includes an overview of all available Operators.
Mapping elements
- Summary
acts like an accumulator, collecting and modifying values according to a closure you provide, and publishing intermediate results with each change from upstream.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
While the published docs are unfortunately anemic, the generated swift headers has useful detail:
/// Transforms elements from the upstream publisher by providing the current element to a closure along with the last value returned by the closure.
/// let pub = (0...5)
/// .publisher
/// .scan(0, { return $0 + $1 })
/// .sink(receiveValue: { print ("\($0)", terminator: " ") })
/// // Prints "0 1 3 6 10 15 ".
/// - Parameters:
/// - initialResult: The previous result returned by the `nextPartialResult` closure.
/// - nextPartialResult: A closure that takes as its arguments the previous value returned by the closure and the next element emitted from the upstream publisher.
/// - Returns: A publisher that transforms elements by applying a closure that receives its previous return value and the next element from the upstream publisher.
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
lets you accumulate values or otherwise modify a type as changes flow through the pipeline. You can use this to collect values into an array, implement a counter, or any number of other interesting use cases.
If you want to be able to throw an error from within the closure doing the accumulation to indicate an error condition, use the tryScan operator. If you want to accumulate and process values, but refrain from publishing any results until the upstream publisher completes, consider using the reduce or tryReduce operators.
When you create a scan
operator, you provide an initial value (of the type determined by the upstream publisher) and a closure that takes two parameters - the result returned from the previous invocation of the closure and a new value from the upstream publisher.
You do not need to maintain the type of the upstream publisher, but can convert the type in your closure, returning whatever is appropriate to your needs.
For example, the following scan
operator implementation counts the number of characters in strings provided by an upstream publisher, publishing an updated count every time a new string is received:
.scan(0, { prevVal, newValueFromPublisher -> Int in
return prevVal + newValueFromPublisher.count
- Summary
is a variant of thescan
operator which allows for the provided closure to throw an error and cancel the pipeline. The closure provided updates and modifies a value based on any inputs from an upstream publisher and publishing intermediate results.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
While the published docs are unfortunately anemic, the generated swift headers has some detail:
/// Transforms elements from the upstream publisher by providing the current element to an error-throwing closure along with the last value returned by the closure.
/// If the closure throws an error, the publisher fails with the error.
/// - Parameters:
/// - initialResult: The previous result returned by the `nextPartialResult` closure.
/// - nextPartialResult: An error-throwing closure that takes as its arguments the previous value returned by the closure and the next element emitted from the upstream publisher.
/// - Returns: A publisher that transforms elements by applying a closure that receives its previous return value and the next element from the upstream publisher.
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
lets you accumulate values or otherwise modify a type as changes flow through the pipeline while also supporting an error state. If either the combined and updates values, or the incoming value, matches logic you define within the closure, you can throw an error, terminating the pipeline.
- Summary
is most commonly used to convert one data type into another along a pipeline.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using map with dataTaskPublisher:
- Details
operator does not allow for any additional failures to be thrown and does not transform the failure type. If you want to throw an error within your closure, use the tryMap operator.
takes a single closure where you provide the logic for the map operation.
For example, the URLSession.dataTaskPublisher provides a tuple of (data: Data, response: URLResponse)`
as its output.
You can use map
to pass along the data, for example to use with decode.
.map { $0.data } (1)
1 | the $0 indicates to grab the first parameter passed in, which is a tuple of data and response . |
In some cases, the closure may not be able to infer what data type you are returning, so you may need to provide a definition to help the compiler. For example, if you have an object getting passed down that has a boolean property "isValid" on it, and you want the boolean for your pipeline, you might set that up like:
struct MyStruct {
var isValid: Bool = true
.map { inValue -> Bool in (1)
inValue.isValid (2)
1 | inValue is named as the parameter coming in, and the return type is being explicitly specified to Bool |
2 | A single line is an implicit return, in this case it is pulling the isValid property off the struct and passing it down. |
- Summary
is similar to map, except that it also allows you to provide a closure that throws additional errors if your conversion logic is unsuccessful. - Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using tryMap with dataTaskPublisher:
- Details
is useful when you have more complex business logic around your map and you want to indicate that the data passed in is an error, possibly handling that error later in the pipeline. If you are looking attryMap
to decode JSON, you may want to consider using the decode operator instead, which is set up for that common task.
enum MyFailure: Error {
case notBigEnough
.tryMap {
if inValue < 5 { (1)
throw MyFailure.notBigEnough (2)
return inValue (3)
1 | You can specify whatever logic is relevant to your use case within tryMap |
2 | and throw an error, although throwing an Error isn’t required. |
3 | If the error condition doesn’t occur, you do need to pass down data for any further subscribers. |
- Summary
Used with error recovery or async operations that might fail (for example
will replace any incoming values with another publisher. - Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating
- Details
Typically used in error handling scenarios,
takes a closure that allows you to read the incoming data value, and provide a publisher that returns a value to the pipeline.
In error handling, this is most frequently used to take the incoming value and create a one-shot pipeline that does some potentially failing operation, and then handling the error condition with a catch operator.
A simple example flatMap
, arranged to show recovering from a decoding error and returning a placeholder value:
.flatMap { data in
return Just(data)
.decode(YourType.self, JSONDecoder())
.catch {
return Just(YourType.placeholder)
A diagram version of this pipeline construct:
- Summary
does not send a.failure
completion, it just changes the Failure type associated with the pipeline. Use this publisher type when you need to match the error types for two otherwise mismatched publishers.
- Constraints on connected publisher
The upstream publisher must have a failure type of
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating setFailureType:
- Details
is an operator for transforming the error type within a pipeline, often from<Never>
to some error type you may want to produce.setFailureType
does not induce an error, but changes the types of the pipeline.
This can be especially convenient if you need to match an operator or subscriber that expects a failure type other than <Never>
when you are working with a test or single-value publisher such as Just or Sequence.
If you want to return a .failure
completion of a specific type into a pipeline, use the Fail operator.
Filtering elements
- Summary
Calls a closure with each received element and publishes any returned optional that has a value.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
compactMap is very similar to the map operator, with the exception that it expects the closure to return an optional value, and drops any nil values from published responses. This is the combine equivalent of the
function which iterates through aSequence
and returns a sequence of any non-nil values.
It can also be used to process results from an upstream publisher that produces an optional Output type, and collapse those into an unwrapped type.
The simplest version of this just returns the incoming value directly, which will filter out the nil
.compactMap {
return $0
There is also a variation of this operator, tryCompactMap, which allows the provided closure to throw an Error and cancel the stream on invalid conditions.
If you want to convert an optional type into a concrete type, always replacing the nil
with an explicit value, you should likely use the replaceNil operator.
- Summary
Calls a closure with each received element and publishes any returned optional that has a value, or optionally throw an Error cancelling the pipeline.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
is a variant of the compactMap operator, allowing the values processed to throw anError
.tryCompactMap { someVal -> String? in (1)
if (someVal == "boom") {
throw TestExampleError.example
return someVal
1 | If you specify the return type within the closure, it should be an optional value.
The operator that invokes the closure is responsible for filtering the non-nil values it publishes. |
If you want to convert an optional type into a concrete type, always replacing the nil
with an explicit value, you should likely use the replaceNil operator.
- Summary
passes through all instances of the output type that match a provided closure, dropping any that don’t match.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
takes a single closure as a parameter that is provided the value from the previous publisher and returns a Bool value. If the return from the closure istrue
, then the operator republishes the value further down the chain. If the return from the closure isfalse
, then the operator drops the value.
If you need a variation of this that will generate an error condition in the pipeline to be handled use the tryFilter operator, which allows the closure to throw an error in the evaluation.
- Summary
passes through all instances of the output type that match a provided closure, dropping any that don’t match, and allows generating an error during the evaluation of that closure. - Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
Like filter, tryFilter takes a single closure as a parameter that is provided the value from the previous publisher and returns a Bool value. If the return from the closure is
, then the operator republishes the value further down the chain. If the return from the closure isfalse
, then the operator drops the value. You can additionally throw an error during the evaluation of tryFilter, which will then be propagated as the failure type down the pipeline.
- Summary
remembers what was previously sent in the pipeline, and only passes forward values that don’t match the current value.
- Constraints on connected publisher
Available when Output of the previous publisher conforms to Equatable.
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The default usage of
doesn’t require any parameters, and the operator will publish only elements that don’t match the previously sent element.
A second usage of removeDuplicates
takes a single parameter by
that accepts a closure that allows you to determine the logic of what will be removed.
The parameter version does not have the constraint on the Output type being equatable, but requires you to provide the relevant logic.
If the closure returns true, the removeDuplicates
predicate will consider the values matched and not forward a the duplicate value.
.removeDuplicates(by: { first, second -> Bool in
// your logic is required if the output type doesn't conform to equatable.
first.id == second.id
A variation of removeDuplicates
exists that allows the predicate closure to throw an error exists: tryRemoveDuplicates
- Summary
is a variant of removeDuplicates that allows the predicate testing equality to throw an error, resulting in anError
completion type. - Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
is a variant of removeDuplicates taking a single parameter that can throw an error. The parameter is a closure that allows you to determine the logic of what will be removed. If the closure returns true,tryRemoveDuplicates
will consider the values matched and not forward a the duplicate value. If the closure throws an error, a failure completion will be propagated down the chain, and no value is sent.
.removeDuplicates(by: { first, second -> Bool throws in
// your logic is required if the output type doesn't conform to equatable.
- Summary
Replaces an empty stream with the provided element. If the upstream publisher finishes without producing any elements, this publisher emits the provided element, then finishes normally.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
will only produce a result if it has not received any values before it receives a.finished
completion. This operator will not trigger on an error passing through it, so if no value has been received with a.failure
completion is triggered, it will simply not provide a value. The operator takes a single parameter,with
where you specify the replacement value.
.replaceEmpty(with: "-replacement-")
This operator is useful specifically when you want a stream to always provide a value, even if an upstream publisher may not propagate one.
- Summary
A publisher that replaces any errors with an output value that matches the upstream Output type.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
Where mapError transforms an error,
captures the error and returns a value that matches the Output type of the upstream publisher. If you don’t care about the specifics of the error itself, it can be a more convenient operator than using catch to handle an error condition.
.replaceError(with: "foo")
is more compact than
.catch { err in
return Just("foo")
catch would be the preferable error handler if you wanted to return another publisher rather than a singular value.
- Summary
Replaces nil elements in the stream with the provided element.
- Constraints on connected publisher
The output type of the upstream publisher must be an optional type
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
Used when the output type is an optional type, the
operator replaces any nil instances provided by the upstream publisher with a value provided by the user. The operator takes a single parameter,with
where you specify the replacement value. The type of the replacement should be a non-optional version of the type provided by the upstream publisher.
.replaceNil(with: "-replacement-")
This operator can also be viewed as a way of converting an optional type to an explicit type, where optional values have a pre-determined placeholder.
Put another way, the replaceNil
operator is a Combine specific variant of the swift coalescing operator that you might use when unwrapping an optional.
If you want to convert an optional type into a concrete type, simply ignoring or collapsing the nil values, you should likely use the compactMap (or tryCompactMap) operator.
Reducing elements
- Summary
Collects all received elements, and emits a single array of the collection when the upstream publisher finishes.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
There are two primary forms of
, one you specify without any parameters, and one you provide acount
can also take a more complex form, with a defined strategy for how to buffer and send on items.
For the version without any parameters, for example:
The operator will collect all elements from an upstream publisher, holding those in memory until the upstream publisher sends a completion.
Upon receiving the .finished
completion, the operator will publish an array of all the values collected.
If the upstream publisher fails with an error, the collect
operator forwards the error to the downstream receiver instead of sending its output.
This operator uses an unbounded amount of memory to store the received values. |
without any parameters will request an unlimited number of elements from its upstream publisher.
It only sends the collected array to its downstream after a request whose demand is greater than 0 items.
The second variation of collect
takes a single parameter (count
), which influences how many values it buffers and when it sends results.
This version of collect
will buffer up to the specified count
number of elements.
When it has received the count specified, it emits a single array of the collection.
If the upstream publisher finishes before filling the buffer, this publisher sends an array of all the items it has received upon receiving a finished
This may be fewer than count
If the upstream publisher fails with an error, this publisher forwards the error to the downstream receiver instead of sending its output.
The more complex form of collect
operates on a provided strategy of how to collect values and when to emit.
As of iOS 13.3 there are two strategies published in Publishers.TimeGroupingStrategy
allows you to specify a scheduler on which to operate, and a time interval stride over which to run.
It collects all values received within that stride and publishes any values it has received from its upstream publisher during that interval.
Like the parameterless version of collect
, this will consume an unbounded amount of memory during that stride interval to collect values.
let q = DispatchQueue(label: self.debugDescription)
let cancellable = publisher
.collect(.byTime(q, 1.0))
operates very similarly to throttle with its defined Scheduler and Stride, but where throttle collapses the values over a sequence of time, collect(.byTime(q, 1.0))
will buffer and capture those values.
When the time stride interval is exceeded, the collected set will be sent to the operator’s subscriber.
also takes a scheduler and a time interval stride, and in addition allows you to specify an upper bound on the count of items received before the operator sends the collected values to its subscriber.
The ability to provide a count allows you to have some confidence about the maximum amount of memory that the operator will consume while buffering values.
If either of the count or time interval provided are elapsed, the collect
operator will forward the currently collected set to its subscribers.
If a .finished
completion is received, the currently collected set will be immediately sent to it’s subscribers.
If a .failure
completion is received, any currently buffered values are dropped and the failure
completion is forwarded to collect’s subscribers.
let q = DispatchQueue(label: self.debugDescription)
let cancellable = publisher
.collect(.byTimeOrCount(q, 1.0, 5))
- Summary
A publisher that ignores all upstream elements, but passes along a completion state (finish or failed).
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
If you only want to know if a stream has finished (or failed), then
may be what you want.
.sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in
print(".sink() received the completion", String(describing: completion))
switch completion {
case .finished: (2)
finishReceived = true
case .failure(let anError): (3)
print("received error: ", anError)
failureReceived = true
}, receiveValue: { _ in (1)
print(".sink() data received")
1 | No data will ever be presented to a downstream subscriber of ignoreOutput , so the receiveValue closure will never be invoked. |
2 | When the stream completes, it will invoke receiveCompletion .
You can switch on the case from that completion to respond to the success. |
3 | Or you can do further processing based on receiving a failure. |
- Summary
A publisher that applies a closure to all received elements and produces an accumulated value when the upstream publisher finishes.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using reduce:
- Details
Very similar in function to the scan operator,
collects values produced within a stream. The big difference betweenscan
is thatreduce
does not trigger any values until the upstream publisher completes successfully.
When you create a reduce
operator, you provide an initial value (of the type determined by the upstream publisher) and a closure that takes two parameters - the result returned from the previous invocation of the closure and a new value from the upstream publisher.
Like scan
, you don’t need to maintain the type of the upstream publisher, but can convert the type in your closure, returning whatever is appropriate to your needs.
An example of reduce
that collects strings and appends them together:
.reduce("", { prevVal, newValueFromPublisher -> String in
return prevVal+newValueFromPublisher
The reduce
operator is excellent at converting a stream that provides many values over time into one that provides a single value upon completion.
- Summary
A publisher that applies a closure to all received elements and produces an accumulated value when the upstream publisher finishes, while also allowing the closure to throw an exception, terminating the pipeline.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
is a variation of the reduce operator that allows for the closure to throw an error. If the exception path is taken, thetryReduce
operator will not publish any output values to downstream subscribers. Likereduce
, thetryReduce
will only publish a single downstream result upon a.finished
completion from the upstream publisher.
Mathematic operations on elements
- Summary
Publishes the max value of all values received upon completion of the upstream publisher.
- Constraints on connected publisher
The output type of the upstream publisher must conform to
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
can be set up with either no parameters, or taking a closure. If defined as an operator with no parameters, the Output type of the upstream publisher must conform toComparable
If what you are publishing doesn’t conform to Comparable
, then you may specify a closure to provide the ordering for the operator.
.max { (struct1, struct2) -> Bool in
return struct1.property1 < struct2.property1
// returning boolean true to order struct2 greater than struct1
// the underlying method parameter for this closure hints to it:
// `areInIncreasingOrder`
The parameter name of the closure hints to how it should be provided, being named areInIncreasingOrder
The closure will take two values of the output type of the upstream publisher, and within it you should provide a boolean result indicating if they are in increasing order.
The operator will not provide any results under the upstream published has sent a .finished
If the upstream publisher sends a failure
completion, then no values will be published and the .failure
completion will be forwarded.
- Summary
Publishes the
value of all values received upon completion of the upstream publisher. - Constraints on connected publisher
The output type of the upstream publisher must conform to
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
A variation of the max operator that takes a closure to define ordering, and it also allowed to throw an error.
- Summary
Publishes the minimum value of all values received upon completion of the upstream publisher.
- Constraints on connected publisher
The output type of the upstream publisher must conform to
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
can be set up with either no parameters, or taking a closure. If defined as an operator with no parameters, the Output type of the upstream publisher must conform toComparable
If what you are publishing doesn’t conform to Comparable
, then you may specify a closure to provide the ordering for the operator.
.min { (struct1, struct2) -> Bool in
return struct1.property1 < struct2.property1
// returning boolean true to order struct2 greater than struct1
// the underlying method parameter for this closure hints to it:
// `areInIncreasingOrder`
The parameter name of the closure hints to how it should be provided, being named areInIncreasingOrder
The closure will take two values of the output type of the upstream publisher, and within it you should provide a boolean result indicating if they are in increasing order.
The operator will not provide any results under the upstream published has sent a .finished
If the upstream publisher sends a .failure
completion, then no values will be published and the failure
completion will be forwarded.
- Summary
Publishes the minimum value of all values received upon completion of the upstream publisher.
- Constraints on connected publisher
The output type of the upstream publisher must conform to
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
A variation of the min operator that takes a closure to define ordering, and it also allowed to throw an error.
- Summary
count publishes the number of items received from the upstream publisher
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The operator will not provide any results under the upstream published has sent a
completion. If the upstream publisher sends a.failure
completion, then no values will be published and thefailure
completion will be forwarded.
Applying matching criteria to elements
- Summary
A publisher that publishes a single Boolean value that indicates whether all received elements pass a provided predicate.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
similar to the containsWhere operator, this operator is provided with a closure. The type of the incoming value to this closure must match the Output type of the upstream publisher, and the closure must return a Boolean.
The operator will compare any incoming values, only responding when the upstream publisher sends a .finished
At that point, the allSatisfies
operator will return a single boolean value indicating if all the values received matched (or not) based on processing through the provided closure.
If the operator receives a .failure
completion from the upstream publisher, or throws an error itself, then no data values will be published to subscribers.
In those cases, the operator will only return (or forward) the .failure
- Summary
A publisher that publishes a single Boolean value that indicates whether all received elements pass a given throwing predicate.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
similar to the tryContainsWhere operator, you provide this operator with a closure which may also throw an error. The type of the incoming value to this closure must match the Output type of the upstream publisher, and the closure must return a Boolean.
The operator will compare any incoming values, only responding when the upstream publisher sends a .finished
At that point, the tryAllSatisfies
operator will return a single boolean value indicating if all the values received matched (or not) based on processing through the provided closure.
If the operator receives a .failure
completion from the upstream publisher, or throws an error itself, then no data values will be published to subscribers.
In those cases, the operator will only return (or forward) the .failure
- Summary
A publisher that emits a Boolean value when a specified element is received from its upstream publisher.
- Constraints on connected publisher
The upstream publisher’s output value must conform to the
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The simplest form of
accepts a single parameter. The type of this parameter must match the Output type of the upstream publisher.
The operator will compare any incoming values, only responding when the incoming value is equatable to the parameter provided.
When it does find a match, the operator returns a single boolean value (true
) and then terminates the stream.
Any further values published from the upstream provider are then ignored.
If the upstream published sends a .finished
completion before any values do match, the operator will publish a single boolean (false
) and then terminate the stream.
- Summary
A publisher that emits a Boolean value upon receiving an element that satisfies the predicate closure.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
A more flexible version of the contains operator. Instead of taking a single parameter value to match, you provide a closure which takes in a single value (of the type provided by the upstream publisher) and returns a boolean.
Like contains, it will compare multiple incoming values, only responding when the incoming value is equatable to the parameter provided. When it does find a match, the operator returns a single boolean value and terminates the stream. Any further values published from the upstream provider are ignored.
If the upstream published sends a .finished
completion before any values do match, the operator will publish a single boolean (false
) and terminates the stream.
If you want a variant of this functionality that checks multiple incoming values to determine if all of them match, consider using the allSatisfy operator.
- Summary
A publisher that emits a Boolean value upon receiving an element that satisfies the throwing predicate closure.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
A variation of the tryContainsWhere operator which allows the closure to throw an error. You provide a closure which takes in a single value (of the type provided by the upstream publisher) and returns a boolean. This closure may also throw an error. If the closure throws an error, then the operator will return no values, only the error to any subscribers, terminating the pipeline.
Like contains, it will compare multiple incoming values, only responding when the incoming value is equatable to the parameter provided. When it does find a match, the operator returns a single boolean value and terminates the stream. Any further values published from the upstream provider are ignored.
If the upstream published sends a .finished
completion before any values do match, the operator will publish a single boolean (false
) and terminates the stream.
If the operator receives a .failure
completion from the upstream publisher, or throws an error itself, no data values will be published to subscribers.
In those cases, the operator will only return (or forward) the .failure
Applying sequence operations to elements
- Summary
Publishes the first element of a stream and then finishes.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The first operator, when used without any parameters, will pass through the first value it receives, after which it sends a
completion message to any subscribers. If no values are received before the first operator receives a.finish
completion from upstream publishers, the stream is terminated and no values are published.
If you want a set number of values from the front of the stream you can also use prefixUntilOutput or the variants: prefixWhile and tryPrefixWhile.
If you want a set number of values from the middle the stream by count, you may want to use output, which allows you to select either a single value, or a range value from the sequence of values received by this operator.
- Summary
A publisher that only publishes the first element of a stream to satisfy a predicate closure.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The firstWhere operator is similar to first, but instead lets you specify if the value should be the first value published by evaluating a closure. The provided closure should accept a value of the type defined by the upstream publisher, returning a bool.
.first { (incomingobject) -> Bool in
return incomingobject.count > 3 (1)
1 | The first value received that satisfies this closure - that is, has count greater than 3 - is published. |
If you want to support an error condition that will terminate the pipeline within this closure, use tryFirstWhere.
- Summary
A publisher that only publishes the first element of a stream to satisfy a throwing predicate closure.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The tryFirstWhere operator is a variant of firstWhere that accepts a closure that can throw an error. The closure provided should accept a value of the type defined by the upstream publisher, returning a bool.
.tryFirst { (incomingobject) -> Bool in
if (incomingobject == "boom") {
throw TestExampleError.invalidValue
return incomingobject.count > 3
- Summary
A publisher that only publishes the last element of a stream, once the stream finishes.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The last operator waits until the upstream publisher sends a
completion, then publishes the last value it received. If no values were received prior to receiving thefinished
completion, no values are published to subscribers.
- Summary
A publisher that only publishes the last element of a stream that satisfies a predicate closure, once the stream finishes.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The lastWhere operator takes a single closure, accepting a value matching the output type of the upstream publisher, and returning a boolean. The operator publishes a value when the upstream published completes with a
completion. The value published will be the last one to satisfy the provide closure. If no values satisfied the closure, then no values are published and the pipeline is terminated normally with a.finished
.last { (incomingobject) -> Bool in
return incomingobject.count > 3 (1)
1 | Publishes the last value that has a length greater than 3. |
- Summary
A publisher that only publishes the last element of a stream that satisfies a error-throwing predicate closure, once the stream finishes.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The tryLastWhere operator is a variant of the lastWhere operator that accepts a closure that may also throw an error.
.tryLast { (incomingobject) -> Bool in
if (incomingobject == "boom") { (2)
throw TestExampleError.invalidValue
return incomingobject.count > 3 (1)
1 | Publishes the last value that has a length greater than 3. |
2 | Logic that triggers an error, which will terminate the pipeline. |
- Summary
A publisher that ignores elements from the upstream publisher until it receives an element from second publisher.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The dropUntilOutput operator uses another publisher as a trigger, stopping output through a pipeline until a value is received. Values received from the upstream publisher are ignored (and dropped) until the trigger is activated.
Any value propagated through the trigger publisher will cause the switch to activate, and allow future values through the pipeline.
Errors are still propagated from the upstream publisher, terminating the pipeline with a failure
An error (failure
completion) on either the upstream publisher or the trigger publisher will be propagated to any subscribers and terminate the pipeline.
.drop(untilOutputFrom: triggerPublisher)
If you want to use this kind of mechanism, but with a closure determining values from the upstream publisher, use the dropWhile operator.
- Summary
A publisher that omits elements from an upstream publisher until a given closure returns false.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The dropWhile operator takes a single closure, accepting an input value of the output type defined by the upstream publisher, returning a bool. This closure is used to determine a trigger condition, after which values are allowed to propagate.
This is not the same as the filter operator, acting on each value. Instead it uses a trigger that activates once, and propagates all values after it is activated until the upstream publisher finishes.
.drop { upstreamValue -> Bool in
return upstreamValue.count > 3
If you want to use this mechanism, but with a publisher as the trigger instead of a closure, use the dropUntilOutput operator.
- Summary
A publisher that omits elements from an upstream publisher until a given error-throwing closure returns false.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
This is a variant of the dropWhile operator that accepts a closure that can also throw an error.
.tryDrop { upstreamValue -> Bool in
return upstreamValue.count > 3
- Summary
A publisher that emits all of one publisher’s elements before those from another publisher.
- Constraints on connected publisher
Both publishers must match on Output and Failure types.
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The prepend operator will act as a merging of two pipelines. Also known as
, it accepts all values from one publisher, publishing them to subscribers. Once the first publisher is complete, the second publisher is used to provide values until it is complete.
The most general form of this can be invoked directly as:
Publishers.Concatenate(prefix: firstPublisher, suffix: secondPublisher)
This is equivalent to the form directly in a pipeline:
The prepend operator is often used with single or sequence values that have a failure type of <Never>
If the publishers do accept a failure type, then all values will be published from the prefix publisher even if the suffix publisher receives a .failure
completion before it is complete.
Once the prefix publisher completes, the error will be propagated.
The prepend operator also has convenience operators to send a sequence. For example:
.prepend(["one", "two"]) (1)
1 | The sequence values will be published immediately on a subscriber requesting demand.
Further demand will be propagated upward to secondPublisher .
Values produced from secondPublisher will then be published until it completes. |
Another convenience operator exists to send a single value:
.prepend("one") (1)
1 | The value will be published immediately on a subscriber requesting demand.
Further demand will be propagated upward to secondPublisher .
Values produced from secondPublisher will then be published until it completes. |
- Summary
A publisher that omits a specified number of elements before republishing later elements.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The simplest form of the drop operator drops a single value and then allows all further values to propagate through the pipeline.
A variant of this operator allows a count of values to be specified:
.dropFirst(3) (1)
1 | Drops the first three values received from the upstream publisher before propagating any further values published to downstream subscribers. |
- Summary
Republishes elements until another publisher emits an element. After the second publisher publishes an element, the publisher returned by this method finishes.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The prefixUntilOutput will propagate values from an upstream publisher until a second publisher is used as a trigger. Once the trigger is activated by receiving a value, the operator will terminate the stream.
.prefix(untilOutputFrom: secondPublisher)
- Summary
A publisher that republishes elements while a predicate closure indicates publishing should continue.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The prefixWhile operator takes a single closure, with an input matching the output type defined by the upstream publisher, returning a boolean. This closure is evaluated on the data from the upstream publisher. While it returns
the values are propagated to the subscriber. Once the value returnsfalse
, the operator terminates the stream with a.finished
.prefix { upstreamValue -> Bool in
return upstreamValue.count > 3
- Summary
A publisher that republishes elements while an error-throwing predicate closure indicates publishing should continue.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The tryPrefixWhile operator is a variant of the prefixWhile operator that accepts a closure and may also throw an error.
.prefix { upstreamValue -> Bool in
return upstreamValue.count > 3
- Summary
A publisher that publishes elements specified by a range in the sequence of published elements.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The output operator takes a single parameter, either an integer or a swift range. This value is used to select a specific value, or sequence of values, from an upstream publisher to send to subscribers.
output is choosing values from the middle of the stream.
If the upstream publisher completes before the values is received, the .finished
completion will be propagated to the subscriber.
.output(at: 3) (1)
1 | The selection is 0 indexed (meaning the count starts at 0). This will select the fourth item published from the upstream publisher to propagate. |
The alternate form takes a swift range descriptor:
.output(at: 2...3) (1)
1 | The selection is 0 indexed (the count starts at 0). This will select the third and fourth item published from the upstream publisher to propagate. |
Mixing elements from multiple publishers
- Summary
merges two pipelines into a single output, converting the output type to a tuple of values from the upstream pipelines, and providing an update when any of the upstream publishers provide a new value. - Constraints on connected publishers
All upstream publishers must have the same failure type.
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
CombineLatest, and its variants of
, take multiple upstream publishers and create a single output stream, merging the streams together.CombineLatest
merges two upstream publishers.ComineLatest3
merges three upstream publishers andcombineLatest4
merges four upstream publishers.
The output type of the operator is a tuple of the output types of each of the publishers.
For example, if combineLatest was used to merge a publisher with the output type of <String>
and another with the output type of <Int>
, the resulting output type would be a tuple of (<String, Int>)
is most often used with continual publishers, and remembering the last output value provided from each publisher.
In turn, when any of the upstream publishers sends an updated value, the operator makes a new combined tuple of all previous "current" values, adds in the new value in the correct place, and sends that new combined value down the pipeline.
The CombineLatest
operator requires the failure types of all three upstream publishers to be identical.
For example, you can not have one publisher that has a failure type of Error
and another (or more) that have a failure type of Never
If the combineLatest
operator does receive a failure from any of the upstream publishers, then the operator (and the rest of the pipeline) is cancelled after propagating that failure.
If any of the upstream publishers finish normally (that is, they send a .finished
completion), the combineLatest
operator will continue operating and processing any messages from any of the other publishers that has additional data to send.
Other operators that merge multiple upstream pipelines include merge and zip. If your upstream publishers have the same type and you want a stream of single values as opposed to tuples, use the merge operator. If you want to wait on values from all upstream provides before providing an updated value, use the zip operator.
- Summary
takes two upstream publishers and mixes the elements published into a single pipeline as they are received. - Constraints on connected publishers
All upstream publishers must have the same output type.
All upstream publishers must have the same failure type.
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
subscribers to two upstream publishers, and as they provide data for the subscriber it interleaves them into a single pipeline.Merge3
accepts three upstream publishers,merge4
accepts four upstream publishers, and so forth - throughmerge8
accepting eight upstream publishers.
In all cases, the upstreams publishers are required to have the same output type, as well as the same failure type.
As with combineLatest, if an error is propagated down any of the upstream publishers, the cancellation from the subscriber will terminate this operator and will propagate cancel to all upstream publishers as well.
If an upstream publisher completes with a normal finish, the merge
operator continues interleaving and forwarding from any values other upstream publishers.
In the unlikely event that two values are provided at the same time from upstream publishers, the merge
operator will interleave the values in the order upstream publishers are specified when the operator is initialized.
If you want to mix different upstream publisher types into a single stream, then you likely want to use either combineLatest or zip, depending on how you want the timing of values to be handled.
If your upstream publishers have different types, but you want interleaved values to be propagated as they are available, use combineLatest. If you want to wait on values from all upstream provides before providing an updated value, then use the zip operator.
- Summary
publisher takes multiple upstream publishers and mixes the published elements into a single pipeline as they are received. The upstream publisher can be of any type. - Constraints on connected publishers
All upstream publishers must have the same output type.
All upstream publishers must have the same failure type.
- docs
- Usage
Unit tests illustrating using
- Details
When you went to mix together data from multiple sources as the data arrives,
provides a common solution for a wide number of publishers. It is an evolution of the Merge3, Merge4, etc sequence of publishers that came about as the Swift language enabled variadic parameters.
Like merge, it publishes values until all publishers send a finished completion, or cancels entirely if any of the publishers sends a cancellation completion.
- Summary
takes two upstream publishers and mixes the elements published into a single pipeline, waiting until values are paired up from each upstream publisher before forwarding the pair as a tuple. - Constraints on connected publishers
All upstream publishers must have the same failure type.
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
works very similarly to combineLatest, connecting two upstream publishers and providing the output of those publishers as a single pipeline with a tuple output type composed of the types of the upstream publishers.Zip3
supports connecting three upstream publishers, andzip4
supports connecting four upstream publishers.
The notable difference from combineLatest is that zip
waits for values to arrive from the upstream publishers, and will only publish a single new tuple when new values have been provided from all upstream publishers.
One example of using this is to wait until all streams have provided a single value to provide a synchronization point.
For example, if you have two independent network requests and require them to both be complete before continuing to process the results, you can use zip
to wait until both publishers are complete before forwarding the combined tuples.
Other operators that merge multiple upstream pipelines include combineLatest and merge. If your upstream publishers have different types, but you want interleaved values to be propagated as they are available, use combineLatest. If your upstream publishers have the same type and you want a stream of single values, as opposed to tuples, then you probably want to use the merge operator.
Error Handling
See Error Handling for more detail on how you can design error handling.
- Summary
The operator
handles errors (completion messages of type.failure
) from an upstream publisher by replacing the failed publisher with another publisher. Thecatch
operator also transforms the Failure type to<Never>
. - Constraints on connected publisher
- Documentation reference
- Usage
Using catch to handle errors in a one-shot pipeline shows an example of using
to handle errors with a one-shot publisher. -
Using flatMap with catch to handle errors shows an example of using
to handle errors with a continual publisher.
- Details
receives a.failure
completion, it won’t send any further incoming values from the original upstream publisher. You can also viewcatch
as a switch that only toggles in one direction: to using a new publisher that you define, but only when the original publisher to which it is subscribed sends an error.
This is illustrated with the following example:
enum TestFailureCondition: Error {
case invalidServerResponse
let simplePublisher = PassthroughSubject<String, Error>()
let _ = simplePublisher
.catch { err in
// must return a Publisher
return Just("replacement value")
.sink(receiveCompletion: { fini in
print(".sink() received the completion:", String(describing: fini))
}, receiveValue: { stringValue in
print(".sink() received \(stringValue)")
simplePublisher.send(completion: Subscribers.Completion.failure(TestFailureCondition.invalidServerResponse))
simplePublisher.send(completion: .finished)
In this example, we are using a PassthroughSubject
so that we can control when and what gets sent from the publisher.
In the above code, we are sending two good values, then a failure, then attempting to send two more good values.
The values you would see printed from our .sink()
closures are:
.sink() received oneValue
.sink() received twoValue
.sink() received replacement value
.sink() received the completion: finished
When the failure was sent through the pipeline, catch intercepts it and returns a replacement value.
The replacement publisher it used (Just
) sends a single value and then a completion.
If we want the pipeline to remain active, we need to change how we handle the errors.
See the pattern Using flatMap with catch to handle errors for an example of how that can be achieved.
- Summary
A variant of the catch operator that also allows an
failure type, and doesn’t convert the failure type to<Never>
. - Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
- Details
is a variant of catch that has a failure type of<Error>
rather than catch’s failure type of<Never>
. This allows it to be used where you want to immediately react to an error by creating another publisher that may also produce a failure type.
- Summary
Raises a fatal error when its upstream publisher fails, and otherwise republishes all received input and converts failure type to
. - Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
- Details
If you need to verify that no error has occurred (treating the error output as an invariant), this is the operator to use. Like its namesakes, it will cause the program to terminate if the assert is violated.
Adding it into the pipeline requires no additional parameters, but you can include a string:
// OR
.assertNoFailure("What could possibly go wrong?")
I’m not entirely clear on where that string would appear if you did include it. When trying out this code in unit tests, the tests invariably drop into a debugger at the assertion point when a .failure is processed through the pipeline. |
If you want to convert an failure type output of <Error>
to <Never>
, you probably want to look at the catch operator.
Apple asserts this function should be primarily used for testing and verifying internal sanity checks that are active during testing.
- Summary
operator is used to repeat requests to a previous publisher in the event of an error. - Constraints on connected publisher
failure type must be
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
with dataTaskPublisher:UsingCombineTests/DataTaskPublisherTests.swift
unit tests illustrating
- Details
When you specify this operator in a pipeline and it receives a subscription, it first tries to request a subscription from its upstream publisher. If the response to that subscription fails, then it will retry the subscription to the same publisher.
The retry operator accepts a single parameter that specifies a number of retries to attempt.
Using |
If the number of retries is specified and all requests fail, then the .failure
completion is passed down to the subscriber of this operator.
In practice, this is mostly commonly desired when attempting to request network resources with an unstable connection.
If you use a retry
operator, you should add a specific number of retries so that the subscription doesn’t effectively get into an infinite loop.
struct IPInfo: Codable {
// matching the data structure returned from ip.jsontest.com
var ip: String
let myURL = URL(string: "http://ip.jsontest.com")
// NOTE(heckj): you'll need to enable insecure downloads
// in your Info.plist for this example
// because the URL scheme is 'http'
let remoteDataPublisher = URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: myURL!)
// the dataTaskPublisher output combination is
// (data: Data, response: URLResponse)
// if the URLSession returns a .failure completion,
// retry at most 3 times to get a successful response
.map({ (inputTuple) -> Data in
return inputTuple.data
.decode(type: IPInfo.self, decoder: JSONDecoder())
.catch { err in
return Publishers.Just(IPInfo(ip: ""))
- Summary
Converts any failure from the upstream publisher into a new error.
- Constraints on connected publisher
Failure type is some instance of
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating
- Details
is an operator that allows you to transform the failure type by providing a closure where you convert errors from upstream publishers into a new type.mapError
is similar to replaceError, butreplaceError
ignores any upstream errors and returns a single kind of error, where this operator lets you construct using the error provided by the upstream publisher.
.mapError { error -> ChangingErrorTests.APIError in
// if it's our kind of error already, we can return it directly
if let error = error as? APIError {
return error
// if it is a URLError, we can convert it into our more general error kind
if let urlerror = error as? URLError {
return APIError.networkError(from: urlerror)
// if all else fails, return the unknown error condition
return APIError.unknown
Adapting publisher types
- Summary
A publisher that flattens any nested publishers, using the most recent provided publisher.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating
- Details
operates similarly to flatMap, taking in a publisher instance and returning its value (or values). Where flatMap operates over the values it is provided,switchToLatest
operates on whatever publisher it is provided. The primary difference is in where it gets the publisher. In flatMap, the publisher is returned within the closure provided to flatMap, and the operator works upon that to subscribe and provide the relevant value down the pipeline. InswitchToLatest
, the publisher instance is provided as the output type from a previous publisher or operator.
The most common form of using this is with a one-shot publisher such as Just getting its value as a result of a map transform.
It is also commonly used when working with an API that provides a publisher.
assists in taking the result of the publisher and sending that down the pipeline rather than sending the publisher as the output type.
The following snippet is part of the larger example Declarative UI updates from user input:
.map { username -> AnyPublisher<[GithubAPIUser], Never> in (2)
return GithubAPI.retrieveGithubUser(username: username) (1)
// ^^ type returned in the pipeline is a Publisher, so we use
// switchToLatest to flatten the values out of that
// pipeline to return down the chain, rather than returning a
// publisher down the pipeline.
.switchToLatest() (3)
1 | In this example, an API instance (GithubAPI) has a function that returns a publisher. |
2 | map takes an earlier String output type, returning a publisher instance. |
3 | We want to use the value from that publisher, not the publisher itself, which is exactly what switchToLatest provides. |
Controlling timing
- Summary
debounce collapses multiple values within a specified time window into a single value
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
The operator takes a minimum of two parameters, an amount of time over which to
the signal and a scheduler on which to apply the operations. The operator will collapse any values received within the timeframe provided to a single, last value received from the upstream publisher within the time window. If any value is received within the specified time window, it will collapse it. It will not return a result until the entire time window has elapsed with no additional values appearing.
This operator is frequently used with removeDuplicates when the publishing source is bound to UI interactions, primarily to prevent an "edit and revert" style of interaction from triggering unnecessary work.
If you wish to control the value returned within the time window, or if you want to simply control the volume of events by time, you may prefer to use throttle, which allows you to choose the first or last value provided.
- Summary
Delays delivery of all output to the downstream receiver by a specified amount of time on a particular scheduler.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
- Details
operator passes through the data after a delay defined to the operator. Thedelay
operator also requires a scheduler, where the delay is explicitly invoked.
.delay(for: 2.0, scheduler: headingBackgroundQueue)
- Summary
measures and emits the time interval between events received from an upstream publisher, in turn publishing a value ofSchedulerTimeType.Stride
(which includes a magnitude and interval since the last value). The specific upstream value is ignored beyond the detail of the time at which it was received. - Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
Output types:
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using throttle:
- Details
The operator takes a single parameter, the scheduler to be used. The output type is the type
for the scheduler you designate.
For example:
.measureInterval(using: q) // Output type is DispatchQueue.SchedulerTimeType.Stride
The magnitude
(an Int) the stride is the number of nanoseconds since the last value, which is generally in nanoseconds.
You can also use the interval
(a DispatchTimeInterval
) which carries with it the specific units of the interval.
These values are not guaranteed on a high resolution timer, so use the resulting values judiciously.
- Summary
constrains the stream to publishing zero or one value within a specified time window, independent of the number of elements provided by the publisher.
Timing diagram with latest set to true
Timing diagram with latest set to false
The timing examples in the marble diagrams are from the unit tests running under iOS 13.3.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
is akin to the debounce operator in that it collapses values. The primary difference is thatdebounce
will wait for no further values, wherethrottle
will last for a specific time window and then publish a result. The operator will collapse any values received within the timeframe provided to a single value received from the upstream publisher within the time window. The value chosen within the time window is influenced by the parameterlatest
If values are received very close to the edges of the time window, the results can be a little unexpected.
The operator takes a minimum of three parameters, for
: an amount of time over which to collapse the values received, scheduler
: a scheduler on which to apply the operations, and latest
: a boolean indicating if the first value or last value should be chosen.
This operator is often used with removeDuplicates when the publishing source is bound to UI interactions, primarily to prevent an "edit and revert" style of interaction from triggering unnecessary work.
.throttle(for: 0.5, scheduler: RunLoop.main, latest: false)
In iOS 13.2 the behavior for setting If you are relying on specific timing for some of your functions, double check you systems with tests to verify the behavior. The outputs for timing scenarios are detailed in comments within the throttle unit tests written for this book. |
- Summary
Terminates publishing if the upstream publisher exceeds the specified time interval without producing an element.
- Constraints on connected publisher
Requires the failure type to be
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
will force a resolution to a pipeline after a given amount of time, but does not guarantee either data or errors, only a completion. If atimeout
does trigger and force a completion, it will not generate an failure completion with an error.
is specified with two parameters: time
and scheduler
If you are using a specific background thread (for example, with the subscribe operator), then timeout should likely be using the same scheduler.
The time period specified will take a literal integer, but otherwise needs to conform to the protocol SchedulerTimeIntervalConvertible.
If you want to set a number from a Float
or Int
, you need to create the relevant structure, as Int
or Float
does not conform to SchedulerTimeIntervalConvertible
For example, while using a DispatchQueue
, you could use DispatchQueue.SchedulerTimeType.Stride.
let remoteDataPublisher = urlSession.dataTaskPublisher(for: self.mockURL!)
.delay(for: 2, scheduler: backgroundQueue)
.retry(5) // 5 retries, 2 seconds each ~ 10 seconds for this to fall through
.timeout(5, scheduler: backgroundQueue) // max time of 5 seconds before failing
.tryMap { data, response -> Data in
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
httpResponse.statusCode == 200 else {
throw TestFailureCondition.invalidServerResponse
return data
.decode(type: PostmanEchoTimeStampCheckResponse.self, decoder: JSONDecoder())
.subscribe(on: backgroundQueue)
Encoding and decoding
- Summary
converts the output from upstream Encodable object using a specified TopLevelEncoder. For example, useJSONEncoder
.. - Constraints on connected publisher
Available when the output type conforms to
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
operator takes a single parameter:encoder
This is an instance of an object conforming to TopLevelEncoder. Frequently it is an instance of JSONEncoder or PropertyListEncoder.
fileprivate struct PostmanEchoTimeStampCheckResponse: Codable {
let valid: Bool
let dataProvider = PassthroughSubject<PostmanEchoTimeStampCheckResponse, Never>()
.encode(encoder: JSONEncoder())
.sink { data in
print(".sink() data received \(data)")
let stringRepresentation = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
Like the decode operator, the encode process can also fail and throw an error.
Therefore it also returns a failure type of <Error>
A common issue is if you try to pass an optional type to the |
- Summary
A commonly desired operation is to decode some provided data, so Combine provides the
operator suited to that task. - Constraints on connected publisher
Available when the output type conforms to
- docs
- Usage
- Details
operator takes two parameters:-
which is typically a reference to a struct you defined -
an instance of an object conforming to TopLevelDecoder, frequently an instance of JSONDecoder or PropertyListDecoder.
Since decoding can fail, the operator returns a failure type of Error
The data type returned by the operator is defined by the type you provided to decode.
let testUrlString = "https://postman-echo.com/time/valid?timestamp=2016-10-10"
// checks the validity of a timestamp - this one should return {"valid":true}
// matching the data structure returned from https://postman-echo.com/time/valid
fileprivate struct PostmanEchoTimeStampCheckResponse: Decodable, Hashable {
let valid: Bool
let remoteDataPublisher = URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: URL(string: testUrlString)!)
// the dataTaskPublisher output combination is (data: Data, response: URLResponse)
.map { $0.data }
.decode(type: PostmanEchoTimeStampCheckResponse.self, decoder: JSONDecoder())
Working with multiple subscribers
- Summary
A publisher implemented as a class, which otherwise behaves like its upstream publisher.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
are illustrated in the unit testsUsingCombineTests/MulticastSharePublisherTests.swift
- Details
A publisher is often a struct within swift, following value semantics.
is used when you want to create a publisher as a class to take advantage of reference semantics. This is most frequently employed when creating a publisher that does expensive work so that you can isolate the expensive work and use it from multiple subscribers.
Very often, you will see share
used to provide multicast - to create a shared instance of a publisher and have multiple subscribers connected to that single publisher.
let expensivePublisher = somepublisher
- Summary
Use a multicast publisher when you have multiple downstream subscribers, but you want upstream publishers to only process one receive(_:) call per event.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
are illustrated in the unit testsUsingCombineTests/MulticastSharePublisherTests.swift
- Details
A multicast publisher provides a means of consolidating the requests of data from a publisher into a single request. A multicast publisher does not change data or types within a pipeline. It does provide a bastion for subscriptions so that when demand is created from one subscriber, multiple subscribers can benefit from it. It effectively allows one value to go to multiple subscribers.
Multicast is often created after using share on a publisher to create a reference object as a publisher. This allows you to consolidate expensive queries, such as external network requests, and provide the data to multiple consumers.
When creating using multicast, you either provide a Subjects (with the parameter `subject) or create a Subjects inline in a closure.
let pipelineFork = PassthroughSubject<Bool, Error>()
let multicastPublisher = somepublisher.multicast(subject: pipelineFork)
let multicastPublisher = somepublisher
.multicast {
PassthroughSubject<Bool, Error>()
A multicast publisher does not cache or maintain the history of a value. If a multicast publisher is already making a request and another subscriber is added after the data has been returned to previously connected subscribers, new subscribers may only get a completion. For this reason, multicast returns a connectable publisher.
When making a multicast publisher, make sure you explicitly connect the publishers or you will see no data flow through your pipeline.
Do this either using |
- Summary
operator raises a debugger signal when a provided closure identifies the need to stop the process in the debugger. - Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
- Details
When any of the provided closures returns true, this publisher raises a
signal to stop the process in the debugger. Otherwise, this publisher passes through values and completions.
The operator takes 3 optional closures as parameters, used to trigger when to raise a SIGTRAP
.breakpoint(receiveSubscription: { subscription in
return false // return true to throw SIGTRAP and invoke the debugger
}, receiveOutput: { value in
return false // return true to throw SIGTRAP and invoke the debugger
}, receiveCompletion: { completion in
return false // return true to throw SIGTRAP and invoke the debugger
- Summary
Raises a debugger signal upon receiving a failure.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
- Details
is a convenience method used to raise aSIGTRAP
signal when an error is propagated through it within a pipeline.
- Summary
is an all purpose operator that allow you to specify closures be invoked when publisher events occur. - Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
does not require any parameters, allowing you to specify a response to specific publisher events. Optional closures can be provided for the following events:-
All of the closures are expected to return Void
, which makes handleEvents
useful for intentionally creating side effects based on what is happening in the pipeline.
You could, for example, use handleEvents
to update an activityIndicator UI element, triggering it on with the receipt of the subscription, and terminating with the receipt of either cancel or completion.
If you only want to view the information flowing through the pipeline, you might consider using the print operator instead.
.handleEvents(receiveSubscription: { _ in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
}, receiveCompletion: { _ in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
}, receiveCancel: {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
- Summary
Prints log messages for all publishing events.
- Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
unit tests illustrating using
- Details
operator does not require a parameter, but if provided will prepend it to any console output.
is incredibly useful to see "what’s happening" within a pipeline, and can be used as printf debugging within the pipeline.
Most of the example tests illustrating the operators within this reference use a print
operator to provide additional text output to illustrate lifecycle events.
The print
operator is not directly integrated with Apple’s unified logging, although there is an optional to
parameter that lets you specific an instance conforming to TextOutputStream to which it will send the output.
let _ = foo.$username
.tryMap({ myValue -> String in
if (myValue == "boom") {
throw FailureCondition.selfDestruct
return "mappedValue"
Scheduler and Thread handling operators
- Summary
defines the scheduler on which to receive elements from the publisher. - Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
Creating a subscriber with assign shows an example of using
to set an a boolean property on a UI element. -
unit tests illustrating using
with adataTaskPublisher
, as well assubscribe
- Details
takes a single required parameter (on:
) which accepts a scheduler, and an optional parameter (optional:
) which can acceptSchedulerOptions
. Scheduler is a protocol in Combine, with the conforming types that are commonly used of RunLoop, DispatchQueue and OperationQueue.Receive
is frequently used with assign to make sure any following pipeline invocations happen on a specific thread, such asRunLoop.main
when updating user interface objects.Receive
effects itself and any operators chained after it, but not previous operators.
If you want to influence a previously chained publishers (or operators) for where to run, you may want to look at the subscribe operator.
Alternately, you may also want to put a receive
operator earlier in the pipeline.
examplePublisher.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
- Summary
defines the scheduler on which to run a publisher in a pipeline. - Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
Creating a subscriber with assign shows an example of using assign to set an a boolean property on a UI element.
unit tests illustrating using an
subscriber in a pipeline from adataTaskPublisher
- Details
assigns a scheduler to the preceding pipeline invocation. It is relatively infrequently used, specifically to encourage a publisher such as Just or Deferred to run on a specific queue. If you want to control which queue operators run on, then it is more common to use the receive operator, which effects all following operators and subscribers.
takes a single required parameter (on:
) which accepts a scheduler, and an optional parameter (optional:
) which can accept SchedulerOptions
Scheduler is a protocol in Combine, with the conforming types that are commonly used of RunLoop, DispatchQueue and OperationQueue.
effects a subset of the functions, and does not guarantee that a publisher will run on that queue.
In particular, it effects a publishers receive
function, the subscribers request
function, and the cancel
Some publishers (such as URLSession.dataTaskPublisher) have complex internals that will run on alternative queues based on their configuration, and will be relatively unaffected by subscribe
.subscribe(on: backgroundQueue) (1)
.receive(on: RunLoop.main) (2)
.assign(to: \.text, on: yourLabel) (3)
1 | the subscribe call requests the publisher (and any pipeline invocations before this in a chain) be invoked on the backgroundQueue. |
2 | the receive call transfers the data to the main runloop, suitable for updating user interface elements |
3 | the assign call uses the assign subscriber to update the property text on a KVO compliant object, in this case yourLabel . |
When creating a This is not enforced by the compiler or any internal framework constraints. |
Type erasure operators
- Summary
operator takes a publisher and provides a type erased instance of AnyPublisher. - Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
- Details
When chaining operators together, the resulting type signature accumulates all the various types. This can get complicated quite quickly, and can provide an unnecessarily complex signature for an API.
takes the signature and "erases" the type back to the common type of AnyPublisher
This provides a cleaner type for external declarations.
Combine was created prior to Swift 5 inclusion of opaque types, which may have been an alternative.
.eraseToAnyPublisher() (1)
1 | eraseToAnyPublisher is often at the end of chains of operators, cleaning up the signature of the returned property. |
- Summary
provides a type erased instance of AnySubscriber. - Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
- Details
Use an
to wrap an existing subscriber whose details you don’t want to expose. You can also useAnySubscriber
to create a custom subscriber by providing closures for the methods defined inSubscriber
, rather than implementingSubscriber
General information on Subjects can be found in the Core Concepts section.
- Summary
creates an object that can be used to integrate imperative code into a pipeline, starting with an initial value. - docs
- Usage
- Details
creates an instance to which you can attach multiple subscribers. When creating acurrentValueSubject
, you do so with an initial value of the relevant output type for the Subject.
remembers the current value so that when a subscriber is attached, it immediately receives the current value.
When a subscriber is connected and requests data, the initial value is sent.
Further calls to .send()
afterwards will then pass through values to any subscribers.
- Summary
creates an object that can be used to integrate imperative code into a Combine pipeline. - docs
- Usage
- Details
creates an instance to which you can attach multiple subscribers. When it is created, only the types are defined.
When a subscriber is connected and requests data, it will not receive any values until a .send()
call is invoked.
doesn’t maintain any state, it only passes through provided values.
Calls to .send()
will then send values to any subscribers.
is commonly used in scenarios where you want to create a publisher from imperative code.
One example of this might be a publisher from a delegate callback structure, common in Apple’s APIs.
Another common use is to test subscribers and pipelines, providing you with imperative control of when events are sent within a pipeline.
This is very useful when creating tests, as you can put when data is sent to a pipeline under test control.
For general information about subscribers and how they fit with publishers and operators, see Subscribers.
- Summary
creates a subscriber used to update a property on a KVO compliant object. - Constraints on connected publisher
Failure type must be
- docs
- Usage
Creating a subscriber with assign shows an example of using
to set an a boolean property on a UI element. -
unit tests illustrating using an
subscriber in a pipeline from adataTaskPublisher
- Details
only handles data, and expects all errors or failures to be handled in the pipeline before it is invoked. The return value from setting upassign
can be cancelled, and is frequently used when disabling the pipeline, such as when a viewController is disabled or deallocated.Assign
is frequently used in conjunction with the receive operator to receive values on a specific scheduler, typicallyRunLoop.main
when updating UI objects.
The type of KeyPath
required for the assign
operator is important.
It requires a ReferenceWritableKeyPath
, which is different from both WritableKeyPath
and KeyPath
In particular, ReferenceWritableKeyPath
requires that the object you’re writing to is a reference type (an instance of a class), as well as being publicly writable.
A WritableKeyPath
is one that’s a mutable value reference (a mutable struct), and KeyPath
reflects that the object is simply readable by keypath, but not mutable.
It is not always clear (for example, while using code-completion from the editor) what a property may reflect.
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.assign(to: \.text, on: yourLabel)
An error you may see:
This happens when you are attempting to assign to a property that is read-only.
An example of this is Another error you might see on using the
Xcode 11.7 supplies improved swift compiler diagnostics, which enable an easier to understand error message:
This error can occur when you are attempting to assign a non-optional type to a keypath that expects has an optional type.
For example, The solution is to either use sink, or to include a
- Summary
creates an all-purpose subscriber. At a minimum, you provide a closure to receive values, and optionally a closure that receives completions. - Constraints on connected publisher
- docs
- Usage
Creating a subscriber with sink shows an example of creating a
that receives both completion messages as well as data from the publisher. -
unit tests illustrating a
subscriber and how it works:UsingCombineTests/SinkSubscriberTests.swift
- Details
There are two forms of the
operator. The first is the simplest form, taking a single closure, receiving only the values from the pipeline (if and when provided by the publisher). Using the simpler version comes with a constraint: the failure type of the pipeline must be<Never>
. If you are working with a pipeline that has a failure type other than<Never>
you need to use the two closure version or add error handling into the pipeline itself.
An example of the simple form of sink
let examplePublisher = Just(5)
let cancellable = examplePublisher.sink { value in
print(".sink() received \(String(describing: value))")
Be aware that the closure may be called repeatedly. How often it is called depends on the pipeline to which it is subscribing. The closure you provide is invoked for every update that the publisher provides, up until the completion, and prior to any cancellation.
It may be tempting to ignore the cancellable you get returned from
However, this has the side effect that as soon as the function returns, the ignored variable is deallocated, causing the pipeline to be cancelled. If you want the pipeline to operate beyond the scope of the function (you probably do), then assign it to a longer lived variable that doesn’t get deallocated until much later. Simply including a variable declaration in the enclosing object is often a good solution. |
The second form of sink
takes two closures, the first of which receives the data from the pipeline, and the second receives pipeline completion messages.
The closure parameters are receiveCompletion
and receiveValue
A .failure
completion may also encapsulate an error.
An example of the two-closure sink
let examplePublisher = Just(5)
let cancellable = examplePublisher.sink(receiveCompletion: { err in
print(".sink() received the completion", String(describing: err))
}, receiveValue: { value in
print(".sink() received \(String(describing: value))")
The type that is passed into receiveCompletion
is the enum Subscribers.Completion
The completion .failure
includes an Error
wrapped within it, providing access to the underlying cause of the failure.
To get to the error within the .failure
completion, switch
on the returned completion to determine if it is .finished
or .failure
, and then pull out the error.
When you chain a .sink
subscriber onto a publisher (or pipeline), the result is cancellable.
At any time before the publisher sends a completion, the subscriber can send a cancellation and invalidate the pipeline.
After a cancel is sent, no further values will be received.
let simplePublisher = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
let cancellablePipeline = simplePublisher.sink { data in
// do what you need with the data...
cancellablePublisher.cancel() // when invoked, this invalidates the pipeline
// no further data will be received by the sink
similar to publishers having a type-erased struct AnyPublisher to expose publishers through an API, subscribers have an equivalent: AnyCancellable. This is often used with sink
to convert the resulting type into AnyCancellable
- Summary
is a subscriber built into SwiftUI that allows publishers to be linked into local views to trigger relevant state changes. - Constraints on connected publisher
Failure type must be
- docs
- Usage
The SwiftUI example code at
The SwiftUI example code at
- Details
is a subscriber, taking a reference to a publisher, a closure which is invoked when the publisher provided toonReceive
receives data. This acts very similarly to the sink subscriber with a single closure, including requiring that the failure type of the publisher be<Never>
does not automatically invalidate the view, but allows the developers to react to the published data in whatever way is appropriate - this could be updating some local view property (@State
) with the value directly, or first transforming the data in some fashion.
A common example of this with SwiftUI is hooking up a publisher created from a Timer
, which generates a Date
reference, and using that to trigger an update to a view from a timer.
- Summary
type erases a subscriber to the general form of Cancellable. - docs
- Usage
- Details
This is used to provide a reference to a subscriber that allows the use of
without access to the subscription itself to request items. This is most typically used when you want a reference to a subscriber to clean it up on deallocation. Since the assign returns anAnyCancellable
, this is often used when you want to save the reference to a sink anAnyCancellable
var mySubscriber: AnyCancellable?
let mySinkSubscriber = remotePublisher
.sink { data in
print("received ", data)
mySubscriber = AnyCancellable(mySinkSubscriber)
A pattern that is supported with Combine is collecting AnyCancellable
references into a set and then saving references to the cancellable subscribers with a store
private var cancellableSet: Set<AnyCancellable> = []
let mySinkSubscriber = remotePublisher
.sink { data in
print("received ", data)
.store(in: &cancellableSet)